WHAT IS A LIVING WILL? презентация

Advance Directives for Health Care


Слайд 2Advance Directives for Health Care

Слайд 3When you are planning your
estate, you should include
advance directives

for health care

Слайд 4With these documents
you prepare for possible incapacity

Слайд 5Living Will

Слайд 6A living will is an advance
directive for health care

Слайд 7This type of will has nothing to do with the transfer

of financial assets

Слайд 8Life Support

Слайд 9People can sometimes be kept alive through
the utilization of artificial

life-support measures

Слайд 10This can be true even when
the patient is terminal and

is no hope of recovery

Слайд 11Stating Your Preferences

Слайд 12With a living will you state your preferences regarding the use

of life-support measures

Слайд 13When you have this advance directive in place, doctors will act

in accordance with your wishes

Слайд 14Personal Control

Слайд 15The question of whether or not
you would want to be

kept alive
via the use of life-sustaining measures is a personal one

Слайд 16This is not a decision that should be left in the

hands of someone else

Слайд 17Incapacity Planning

Слайд 18A significant percentage of elders become incapacitated before passing away

Слайд 19You should certainly take
this into account when you are

your estate

Слайд 20Advance directives for health care are a must if you want

to be comprehensively prepared

Слайд 21Do you have a living will in place?

Слайд 22If not, action is required

Слайд 23To Learn More About Incapacity Planning and What To Do,

a FREE Report Entitled,
“Your Life, Your Final Say”
(A $19.95 Value!)
OR Call
405-843-6100 (Oklahoma City) or
913-385-9400 (Kansas City) Today

Слайд 2413913 Quail Pointe Drive, Ste B
Oklahoma City, OK 73134
Phone: (405) 562-9609


Nall Avenue, Suite 160
Overland Park, KS 66211
Phone: (913) 385-9400

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