Top 5 New State Laws on Social & Criminal Justice Reform презентация

Many new or revised laws take effect in the new year, including several aimed at reforming Illinois’ social and criminal justice system.

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Many new or revised laws take effect in the new year,

including several aimed at reforming Illinois’ social and criminal justice system.

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Click ahead to learn about these important new reform measures.

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Tailoring sentences to fit the crime
Gives judges more flexibility in determining

sentences for minors who commit crimes. (HB 2471)

Illinois General Assembly moves to address juvenile sentencing reforms

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Bringing parity to juvenile justice
Prohibits minors from being committed to the

Department of Juvenile Justice for misdemeanor offenses. (SB 1560)

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Protecting people & police
Establishes guidelines for the use of body cameras

by police.
The new law also prohibits the police from using chokeholds and requires more training and accountability for law enforcement. (SB 1304)

Raoul, Sims, Anthony announce signing of landmark law enforcement reforms

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Protecting the youngest offenders
Prohibits a minor under 13 years old from

being detained in a detention facility unless a youth service provider has been contacted. (HB 2567)

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Limiting the number of minors tried as adults
Eliminates automatic transfer of

cases involving minors to adult courts, basing transfers instead on the particulars of the crime.
(HB 3718)

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Summaries of all new Illinois laws
are available on the
Illinois General

Assembly Homepage:

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