The Ethical Implicationsof Social Media презентация

Слайд 1The Ethical Implications of Social Media
Brian C. Focht
Stiles Byrum & Horne, LLP

Слайд 2The Ethics of Social Media

Part 1:
The Importance of Social Media

to the Modern Law Practice

Слайд 3The Ethics of Social Media


Слайд 4The Ethics of Social Media
Lester v. Allied Concrete Co., Nos. CL08-150,


In wrongful death case, plaintiff’s attorney routinely told client to “clean up” his Facebook page

The “dirt” = photo of plaintiff, after wife’s death, holding a beer and wearing a t-shirt reading “I [heart] hot moms.”

Plaintiff deactivated account, denied having a facebook page in discovery

Слайд 5The Ethics of Social Media
Lester v. Allied Concrete Co., Nos. CL08-150,


Attorney sanctioned $542,000
Plaintiff sanctioned $180,000
$10.6 million verdict cut in half

Слайд 6Importance of Social Media
Attorneys can no longer afford to ignore the

uses and applications of social media.

Слайд 7Ignore at your peril, because even if you’re not using social


For more info, I highly recommend reading:
“The Perils of Being a Social Media Holdout” by Kevin O’Keefe

Importance of Social Media

Слайд 8What is Social Media, exactly?
What makes Social Media different?




Слайд 9Types of Social Media
Collaborative Projects

Blogs & Microblogs

Content Communities

Social Networking Sites (“SNS”)

Слайд 10The Power of Social Media

Слайд 11The Power of Social Media
Source: Pew Research Center

Слайд 12The Power of Social Media

Слайд 13The Power of Social Media

Слайд 14The Power of Social Media

Слайд 15The Ethics of Social Media
One Essential Theme:


Слайд 16The Ethical Implications of Social Media
Brian C. Focht
Stiles, Byrum & Horne, LLP

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