Romanian german legal system презентация

The Romano-German legal family is the term of comparative jurisprudence, which denotes a set of legal systems that were originally created on the basis of the reception of Roman law and

Слайд 1 Romanian german legal system

Слайд 2The Romano-German legal family is the term of comparative jurisprudence, which

denotes a set of legal systems that were originally created on the basis of the reception of Roman law and united by the commonality of their structures, sources of law, and the similarity of the conceptual legal apparatus

Слайд 3 It unites the legal systems of all countries of continental Europe

(including Russia) and is opposed to Anglo-Saxon law. The main source of law is the law (normative legal act). It is characterized by a clear branch division of the law. In turn, virtually all branches of law are divided into two subsystems: private law and public law, although the assignment of certain branches of law to any one subsystem is highly controversial and often depends on the legal regulation of the relevant industry in a particular state (for example, labor law).

Слайд 4 The sphere of public law includes administrative, criminal, constitutional and international

public law. Private law includes civil, family, labor and private international law. In the system of state bodies, a clear division into legislative and law enforcement authorities is carried out. Lawmaking and legislation, as a function, exclusively belong to the legislature. For most countries of this family is characterized by the existence of a written constitution.

Слайд 5 The Age of Enlightenment to the Present The next period in

the development of the Romano-German legal family is characterized by a strong influence of the natural law on the legal doctrine of the countries of Europe and, as a consequence, the strengthened development of legislation in European countries and the codification of entire branches of law. This period, starting from the XVII-XVIII centuries, although it continues to the present time, however, undergoes a significant transformation in recent times. It was at this period that the law became the main source of Romano-German law. The doctrine of the lack of law-making functions of the sovereign was changed.

Слайд 6 One of the achievements of European science at that time was

the creation of complex legal documents through the systematization of the norms of one industry, namely codified acts. Codification made it possible to streamline the current legislation, get rid of obsolete archaisms.

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