Verizon’s 5G Network: Everything You Need to Know презентация

The current standard in wireless connectivity, 4G LTE, is fast.

Слайд 1Verizon’s 5G Network: Everything You Need to Know

Слайд 2The current standard in wireless connectivity, 4G LTE, is fast.

Слайд 3Right now, Verizon’s LTE network averages speeds of 10 Mbps, or

faster, across 121 U.S. markets.

Source: RootMetrics.

Слайд 4Which is about as fast as the average home Internet connection.

Слайд 5Verizon helped pioneer LTE technology back in 2008, and launched its

4G LTE network in 2010.

Слайд 6
Since then, Verizon’s network has outpaced the competition.

Слайд 7And the carrier’s network recently received the ranking of best overall

performance by RootMetrics.

Source: RootMetrics.

Слайд 8
But Verizon’s not content with staying there.

Слайд 9This month, the carrier announced that it’ll start testing 5G wireless

technology in 2016.

Слайд 105G doesn’t have any set standards yet, but it’ll likely consist

of a new set of wireless frequencies…

Слайд 11
That could allow separate streams of data for high-capacity systems, personal

devices, and Internet of Things capabilities.

Слайд 12
Oh, and it’ll be really fast, too.

Слайд 13“5G technology, although not standardized yet, is expected to offer 50

times the throughput of LTE, have a latency in the single milliseconds and be able to accommodate the anticipated explosion in Internet-connected devices.”

Sue Marek, FierceWireless

Source: FierceWireless.

Слайд 14Verizon says its wireless speeds could reach 5 gigabits to 10

gigabits in the next three years.

Слайд 15Which is a great thing, considering Nokia thinks that by 2020,

we’ll all be using 1GB of data every day.

Source: CNBC.

Слайд 16But Verizon’s not the only company developing 5G technology.

Слайд 17Nokia’s already tested its own 5G connection.

Слайд 18The company used the 7,300 GHz spectrum to pack in more

data in between airwaves.

Слайд 19And says the end result could allow users to download an

HD movie in less than one second.

Слайд 20And Chinese technology company Huawei says it’ll test 5G technology with

Russian carrier MegaFon at the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

Слайд 21In the meantime, Verizon’s collaborating with Samsung, Nokia, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent, and

Cisco to test out 5G and help set universal standards.

Слайд 22And hopes to have a 5G network sometime in 2020.

Слайд 23Until then, its customers will just have to settle for the

carrier’s lightning-fast connections, extensive LTE signals, and superior network quality.

Слайд 24

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