US legal system презентация

“Equal Justice Under Law”

Слайд 1US legal system
Done by Viktoriya Smagina

Слайд 2“Equal Justice Under Law”

Слайд 3Article II of the US Constitution says that “the judicial power

of the United States, shall be vested in the supreme court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time establish”.

Слайд 4The Judiciary Act of 1789

The Supreme Court
The U.S. Courts of Appeals


Слайд 5The Supreme Court
the highest court in the land;
the court of final

rules in cases in which
someone claims there has
been a violation of the
US Constitution;
hears a select number of
cases that may have
originated either in lower
federal courts or in state courts

Слайд 6The Supreme Court

Слайд 7The U.S. Courts of Appeals
There are 94 judicial districts divided into

12 regional circuits, and each circuit has a court of appeals.
These courts hear appeals from within their respective districts as well as from federal administrative agencies.
The circuit courts also hear appeals in specialized cases such as those involving patent or trademark laws; those decided by the U.S. Court of International Trade and those decided by the U.S. Court of Federal Claims
From these appellate courts, cases could be appealed to the Supreme Court, the highest court in the federal system.

Слайд 9Circuits

Слайд 10District courts
are the trial courts of the U.S. judiciary;
there may

be juries who hear cases and render verdicts;
These courts hear both civil and criminal cases.

Слайд 11Others
Court of Military Appeals
The Court of Military Appeals hears appeals of

military court-martial (when a person who is in the military commits a crime they can be tried and punished by the military courts).
Court of International Trade
The Court of International Trade hears cases involving appeals of rulings of U.S. Customs offices.
Court of Claims
The Court of Claims hears cases in which the U.S. Government is sued.

Слайд 12In addition
Each state within the United States has established a system

of courts, including a state supreme court, to deal with civil, criminal and appellate proceedings. There are also county and city courts. Even many of the smallest villages, those in which only a few hundred people live, have a local judge, called a “justice of the peace”, who handles minor legal matters.

Слайд 14And one more time!

Слайд 15There are more than 542, 000 lawyers in the United States

and hundreds of thousands of court workers

Слайд 16Take a notice of vocabulary:
The Supreme Court – Верховный суд США;

U.S. Court of Appeals – Апелляционный суд США (высшая судебная инстанция в ряде штатов США и федеральном округе Колумбия);
The U.S. District courts – Федеральный районный суд(федеральный суд первой инстанции в США);
to vest in / with – наделять правом, давать права, облекать;
to be vested in – принадлежать (о власти);
to be vested with – пользоваться властью, правом;
an inferior court – нижестоящий суд;
The Framers – «отцы», творцы Конституции США;
to hear cases – рассматривать дела;
to render verdicts – выносить вердикт;

Слайд 17a docket number (of a case) – номер (дела) в досье,

в книге записей, в списке дел к слушанию;
a court decision/ruling – решение суда;
to halt – остановить, приостановить;
void – недействительный, не имеющий юр.силы;
beneath – ниже, под;
сircuit = judicial circuit – судебный округ;
circuit court – окружной суд;
monetary claims – денежные претензии;
federal claims – американский иск на основе федерального права;
eminent domain –право государства на принудительное отчуждение частной собственности;
court of Military Appeals – военно-апелляционный суд;
court of International Trade – Внешнеторговый суд (высшая инстанция в США, рассматривающая дела о нарушениях федеральных законов о внешней торговле);
court of Claims – претензионный суд (суд для рассмотрения исков в США);
justice of the peace – мировой судья;

Слайд 18Thank you for your attention!

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