Two Things That Could Push T-Mobile’s Average Revenue Per User Higher презентация

For more than a year, T-Mobile’s average revenue per user (ARPU) has been on the decline.

Слайд 1Two Things That Could Push T-Mobile’s Average Revenue Per User Higher

Слайд 2For more than a year, T-Mobile’s average revenue per user (ARPU)

has been on the decline.

Слайд 3The carrier’s ARPU was $50.48 in the first quarter of 2014,

but in the first six months of 2015 it fell to $47.33.

Source: T-Mobile.

Слайд 4The drop has come, in part, because T-Mobile’s offered lots of

great deals to bring in new customers.

Слайд 5And it’s paid off.

Слайд 6The carrier has added 1 million or more customers each quarter

for 10 consecutive quarters.

Source: FierceWireless.

Слайд 7But it’s time for T-Mobile to start earning more money from

those customers.

Слайд 8And there are two ways the carrier can do it.

Слайд 9According to a recent investor note from analysts at Jefferies, T-Mobile

is moving more customers to its tiered pricing plans, and earning more from device leases.

Source: FierceWireless.

Слайд 10Why does that matter?

Слайд 11
Previously, T-Mobile focused more on promoting its unlimited plans.

Слайд 12T-Mobile and Sprint are the only two major U.S. wireless carriers

that still offer unlimited plans.

Слайд 13Verizon and AT&T ditched their unlimited plans years ago and moved

to tiered pricing because unlimited plans are expensive for carriers to maintain.

Слайд 14Eventually, users just consume more data, and the carrier is left

spending more money to upgrade the network to keep up with the growing demand.

Слайд 15By promoting its tiered data plans, T-Mobile can funnel the new

customers into plans that are better for the carrier over the long term.

Слайд 16But device leases are just as important in growing revenue as

the plan prices themselves.

Слайд 17T-Mobile’s JUMP! and JUMP! On Demand lease programs allow customers to

regularly upgrade their devices.

Слайд 18Which means customers are continually paying the carrier for their device.

Слайд 19T-Mobile has had leasing options and tiered plans for a while,

so why will this pay off now?

Слайд 20Because the carrier’s marketing efforts are shifting away from installment plans

to leases, and from unlimited plans to tiered ones.

Слайд 21And if T-Mobile keeps doing this while it adds a massive

amount of new subscribers, ARPU could start creeping back up.

Слайд 22

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