Turgen Gorge презентация

Тhe Turgen Gorge in the Ile Alatau National Park (90 km from Almaty) is an ideal place to enjoy the beautyof nature. The Turgen Georg is famous for its seven waterfalls. The

«Тургеньское Ущелье»

Слайд 2Тhe Turgen Gorge in the Ile Alatau National Park (90 km

from Almaty) is an ideal place to enjoy the beautyof nature. The Turgen Georg is famous for its seven waterfalls. The Medvezhiy (Bear) Falls drop 30 metres in а beautiful setting amidst overhanging cliffs and green fir trees, while the Bozgul Falls are known for the force of the water, which has worn away an entire tunnel in the l rock.

Слайд 3Another notable feature of the gorge is the relict Chin-Turgen mossy

fir forests which cover the ground and form а thick carpet of trees. The most popular spot in the Turgen Gorge is Botan, the hunting base. Неге, where three rivers meet, the gorge is at its deepest -920 metres . The Turgen river flows south west, while the Kishi-Turgen runs south-east. There is an observatory on the plateau. Ancient burial mounds and rock drawings are dotted along the Asyriver. 




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