To live or not to live? презентация

SMOKING Smoking is one of the most harmful habits. There are more than 30 poisonous substances, such as nicotine, ammonia, carbonic gas, hydrocyanic acid, organic acids and etc.

Слайд 1To live or not to live?

Слайд 2


Smoking is one of the most harmful habits. There are more

than 30 poisonous substances, such as nicotine, ammonia, carbonic gas, hydrocyanic acid, organic acids and etc.

Слайд 4
1-2 packs of cigarettes contain deadly doze of nicotine.

Слайд 5Statistics
In Russia 70,5% of able to work men are smokers.

the age of 16-17 45% of boys and 16% of girls smoke.

Слайд 6
Every day more than 10000 people die from smoking, every year

– about 4000000 people.
Every year in Russia 300000 people die from smoking.

Слайд 7The harm of smoking
98% cancer of larynx
96% cancer of lung
75% death

chronic bronchitis

organs of breath diseases

Слайд 8The organs of the mouth cavity
Smoking changes the hygienic state of

the mouth cavity.

Слайд 9
Smoking causes impotence.

Слайд 10Other diseases
Malignant tumour
Chronic diseases
Cerebral thromboses
Diseases of the heart, bladder
Gastric diseases
Intestinal diseases

Cancer of gullet
Myocardial infaction
Organs of sight and etc.

Alcohol – harmful substance for human health.
It is poison

for living organism.
It takes oxygen and water from tissues and organs. The activity of cells is difficult.

Слайд 12Statistics
Alcohol is a poison which destroys important man's organs: liver, heart,

100 grammes of vodka kill 7,5 thousand of the brain's cells. 30% of crimes are done in intoxicated state.

Слайд 14Is it worth to trust? Alcohol…
destroys brain and the whole organism
makes problems

with a law
makes people dependent
deprives of the family
causes early death

Слайд 15Diseases
Sharp gastritis
Diseases of lungs
Decreasing of brain's size
Cirrhosis of liver

Слайд 16Alcohol and children
About 2006 there were 6000 children-alcoholics.

Слайд 17DRUGS
Drugs – natural or synthetic substances, which cause drug addiction.

Drug addiction – from Greek words «narko» - dream, «mania» - desire, madness.

Слайд 18
Drug addiction is called
«White plague»

Слайд 19
The Russian legislation establishes administrative and criminal responsibility for illegal actions

with drugs.
Narcotic dependence
causes crimes!

Слайд 20Risk factors
1) bad relations in the family
2) quarrels with parents
3) changing

of the emotional state
4) the wish to imitate
5) friends` approval

Слайд 21Types of drugs

synthetics drugs (amphetamine)
marijuana (grass, hashish)

Слайд 22Symptoms
1) sharp changes of mood
2) the violation of the dream

changes of appetite and the manner of eating
4) irritability and aggression
5) change of the pupil's state
6) change of the skin's colour
7) traces of injections

Слайд 23Statistics

Слайд 24Results

Слайд 25Remember!
The way to drugs begins with a cigarette and alcohol!
Drug addiction

forgives nothing nobody, never!
Don't be indifferent to drug addiction's problem!

Слайд 32

Choose your way of life!

Слайд 33Thank you for attention!

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