The wild world of Australia презентация

Слайд 1The wild world of Australia

Слайд 2The coat of arms

Слайд 3Australian unique fauna includes
70% of the worlds marsupials
All of the worlds

Only a small percentage of the world’s placentals
An enormous diversity of parrots and other birds
A fascinating range of reptiles and fish
Many unusual invertebrates

Слайд 4Monotremes


Слайд 5Marsupials
Different kinds of kangaroos

Слайд 6Koala, wombat

Слайд 7Placentals :Dingo

Слайд 8Why does Australia have many unique species?
Australia has been isolated for

a long period of time, so there has been little exchange of animals with the rest of the world. For example there no hoofed animals native to Australia, yet monotremes are found in Australia and New Guinea.
Australia’s climate is often unpredictable. There may be long period of drought, frequent floods, or fires. These sorts of problems require unique adaptations. For example the Red kangaroo can suspend the development of its embryo until conditions improve.

Слайд 9Birds
Australia has a huge number of bird species- about three times

as many as Europe. Some of birds are migratory. Some are unique to Australia.

Слайд 10Graceful Lyrebirds

Слайд 11

Great white cockatoos are admired by the people

Слайд 12Crimpson rosella
It is beautiful bird. They are usually hard

to get close and photograph except in some areas where they are regularly fed by humans

Слайд 13

Слайд 14Reptiles
More than 400 species of reptiles are known in Australia.

Слайд 15Beautiful Reef
The Australian Great Barrie Reef is the largest coral reef

in the world. It is 2,000 km long and can be seen from space.

Слайд 16Australian native plants
The range of Australian plants seems unending. There are

more than 20,000 species of plants and wildflowers.

Bottle brushes

Слайд 18K. Balmont
«Австралийский черный лебедь на волне,
Словно в сказке на картинке виден


Слайд 19Brisbane

Слайд 20 Автор: Левина Екатерина Место учебы: МОУ СОШ №4, 10 класс «Б» Год создания

презентации: 2009 г. Руководитель – консультант: Тараканова Наталья Николаевна Предмет: английский язык Место работы: МОУ СОШ №4

Слайд 21Литература
1. Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И.В.Английский язык: Учебное пособие. – М.: Просвещение,

2006. -306 с.
2. Клементьева Т.Б., Шеннон Д. А., Счастливый английский. Кн. 3 для 10-11 общеобраз. шк.: - Обнинск: Титул, 2001. – 352 с.: ил.
3. Speak out: журнал для изучающих английский язык. – М.: ГЛОССА – ПРЕСС, 5\2002. – 31 с.

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