The Sports презентация

The fishing Fishing requires a fishing rod and fertilizing. Fishing requires a great deal of attention and patience. This is a very exciting experience!

Слайд 1The Sports

Слайд 2The fishing
Fishing requires a fishing rod and fertilizing. Fishing requires a great deal of attention and patience. This is

a very exciting experience!

Слайд 3The Sports
Required for swimming water and swimming costume. Swimming helps to seize the health and strength. But we must be careful when swimming!

Слайд 4The Sports
Required for running a sports suit. Running seize the coordination and health. This is a very funny sport.

Слайд 5The Sports
Required for rowing boat . Rowing increases the strength of the arms. This is

a very difficult sport!

Слайд 6The Sports
Required for Skiing skis. Skiing is a winter sport. This is a very funny sport :)

Слайд 7The Sports
Required for skating skates and ice. Also very popular figure skating. This is a very beautiful sport.

Слайд 8The End
This work was carried by Gusarova  Anna. Thank you for your attention :)

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