The Ripple Effect презентация


Слайд 1The Ripple Effect
The Power of
Your Personal Brand in HR
 “We are

not only the messengers, WE are the message...” Soulprints, Mark Gafni

Слайд 2Power

Слайд 4Power

Слайд 6  Do you make the job description or does the job description

make you?

Does your title
dictate the display of your talent?

Слайд 7Me Inc. = Brand You!
“You’re not doing a job but building

a career and personal-professional brand.”

Tom Peters

Слайд 8Think about a company brand that you’re attracted to..

Слайд 10Individual Branding=>Image

Слайд 11Individual Brands
An idea, a thing,
a book, a company,
a movement

Слайд 12My Friend Scott & Spark Ventures

Слайд 13My Brand-Image

My Picture

How others would describe my brand?
How I would describe

my brand?

Any discrepancies?

Слайд 14Is your brand strong enough to meet today’s HR challenges and

innovation needs?

Слайд 15Challenges/ Innovations/Trends
Building a multidisciplinary workforce
Creating a synthesis between professional and technical


Integrating social collaboration and media within people practices and internal communications

Hard data, numbers, facts and analytics to lead

Слайд 16Challenges/ Innovations/Trends

Слайд 17ONE of the continuing challenges… the “reputation of HR”
Pic credit:

Слайд 19What are the most significant challenges / innovative needs /trends for

your organization?

What qualities and capabilities will you need to meet those challenges?

Слайд 20SHRM - HR Competencies

Слайд 21Which would you say are the top 3 most important?

Слайд 22HR Competencies -Top Vote Getters…
Sharlyn Lauby -

Слайд 23HR Competencies -Top Vote Getters…
Sharlyn Lauby -
What would the list

look like for you as it relates to your organization?

Слайд 24Here’s your chance to assess your own career/brand development plan…

talent mgt.
=> includes both the
track and the impact

Слайд 25Intentional Branding
Start thinking like your own brand manager, ask yourself the

same question the brand managers at Nike, Coke, Pepsi ask themselves:
What is it that my product or service does that makes it different?

Pic credit:

Слайд 26Intentional Branding =>Assess Your Brand
Your personal values
Unique qualities
Extra curricular competencies, interests…etc.

sense of personal mission
G.P.P.S. “guiding professional principles statement”

Слайд 27Intentional Branding…
G.P.P.S. =
Guiding Professional Principles Statement
This is a description of:

you want to be
__represent yourself professionally
__what you intentionally want your brand to express and look like

Слайд 28Managing your brand is being your own talent manager. Brand management =

talent management

“…modeling what we desire in those we hire.”

Слайд 29Time to recalibrate… reinvigor restate recommit re-envision reconnect

Слайд 30The position, there is power with the position and
there is

personal power,

Personal power with a powerful position

Слайд 31Personal branding carries this belief: “It’s not necessarily the what…but the

WHO. A powerful who will create a powerful what.”

Слайд 32Why does all this matter?
We have soooo much to offer!!

Слайд 33Expanding Your Brand

Слайд 34The Ripple Effect
Pebble or Boulder?

Слайд 35We need more ripple effects that are “bolder”.

Слайд 36HR / Talent Management Innovations…

Слайд 37Good Vibrations – Your Ripple Effect
Words…or an action
Every interaction is a

touch, an “imprint” of your brand…

Слайд 39Your (inspired) Personal Brand
A powerful ripple effect…

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