The Numeral Cardinal numbers Ordinal Numbers. Cardinal numbers Cardinal numbers answer the question How many? One, twenty, thirty-four, forty-six, eighty-seven, презентация

Cardinal numbers Cardinal numbers answer the question How many? One, twenty, thirty-four, forty-six, eighty-seven, one hundred and twenty-five

Слайд 2Cardinal numbers
Cardinal numbers answer the question How many?

One, twenty, thirty-four,

forty-six, eighty-seven, one hundred and twenty-five

Слайд 3Ordinal numbers
Ordinal numbers answer the question Which?

The first, the sixth,

the twentieth, the forty-seventh, the one hundred and twenty-fourth

Слайд 4The cardinal numbers are formed
The numbers from 13 to 19 with

the suffix teen
Three- thirteen
Four- fourteen
Five- fifteen
Six- sixteen
Seven- seventeen

Слайд 5The cardinal numbers are formed
Dozens are formed with ty

Two- twenty
Four- forty
Five- fifty

Слайд 6The ordinal numbers are formed
The ordinal numbers are formed from the

cardinal numbers with the suffix th
Four- the fourth
Five- the fifth
Six- the sixth
Seven- the seventh

Слайд 7The ordinal numbers
One- the


Two- the second

Three- the third

Слайд 8National Examination
1 Listening
2 Reading
3 Grammar
4 Speaking
5 Writing

Слайд 9Listening
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