The Mobile Influencer презентация

Слайд 1

The Mobile Influencer
In partnership with

Слайд 21878
75 years
Attention is on the decline, and will only get worse

to reach 100 million users worldwide

Year of launch









75 years

16 years

7 years

6 years 5 months

4 years 6 months

2 years 2 months

3 years 4 months

2 years 4 months

1 year 3 months

Слайд 3

A (Newsbrand’s) main product is not news or information, but influence:

societal influence and commercial influence

Philip Meyer,
The Vanishing Newspaper

News brands have a uniquely influential role to play in society

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If the model works, an influential (news brand) will have readers

who trust it and therefore be worth more to advertisers

Philip Meyer

People trust influential brands… and people pay attention to what they trust

Слайд 5What is the link between mobility & influence?
Tech Mobility
Leisure Mobility
Physical Mobility

mobile internet/apps regularly

In past 14 days have been to cinema or visited shopping centre/mall

In past 14 days have used various forms of public transport or had a 30 min drive to work

Defining the mobile influencer audience

Слайд 6Younger, better educated, more progressive

1 in 2 are under 35
20% more

likely to be degree educated

63% are ‘progressive’

Слайд 7What makes this group influential?
By definition, get out more & do

more, and have more conversations…

Network size is 18% bigger than the GB average

Слайд 8Are we too hurried and self-absorbed on our devices to talk

to each other?

Слайд 9All news brands have high concentrations of mobile influencers

Слайд 10Number of brand/product conversations per day


Total GB

Mobile Influencer
Mobile Influencer GNM audience

Influencer GNM mob/tablet audience





Слайд 11Number of brands mentioned per day

Total GB

Mobile Influencer
Mobile Influencer GNM audience


Influencer GNM mob/tablet audience

Слайд 12Mobile influencers have more OOH conversations than average too
Total GB
Mobile Influencers

Слайд 13Mobile influencers more likely to talk about key topic categories
Category Conversation

Catalysts – Mobile Influencers indexed vs Total GB

Слайд 14MUCH more influential
% who are Conversation Catalysts
Total GB
Mobile Influencers
Mobile Influencer -

any news brand

Mobile Influencer - GNM

Mobile Influencer - GNM mobile/tablet

Слайд 15Influence isn’t something you can buy, you have to earn it

are moving to mobile platforms and attention is getting worse

If you want to get attention and stand out from the clutter you need to be influential

Grow your influence by talking to the Mobile Influencer news brand audience

Слайд 16
Thank you…

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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