Talent Brand: The Intersection of Talent Acquisition & Marketing презентация

Consumer Brand is: The attributes and value that is associated with your company’s products and services

Слайд 1Talent Brand: The Intersection of Talent Acquisition & Marketing

Слайд 2Consumer Brand is: The attributes and value that is associated with your

company’s products and services

Слайд 3Employer Brand is: The attributes and value that is associated with your

company as a place to work

Слайд 4Talent Brand is: the highly social, totally public version of your employer

brand that incorporates what talent thinks, feels, and shares about your company as a place to work.

Слайд 5Marketing and Employer Branding: communicating and amplifying the value of a brand to

your target audience

Слайд 7Employer Branding is a form of Marketing
Call to Action
Customer Journey
Prospects and


Candidates and employees

Consumer Value Proposition

Employer Value Proposition

Purchase our products or services

Come work with us

Awareness → Interest → Intent → Purchase

Awareness → Interest → Application → Hire


Employer Branding

Слайд 8Who are players?
Overlap is an opportunity for collaboration
Employer Brand Manager
Recruitment Marketing

Social Media Manager
Content Strategist

Brand Manager
Digital Marketing Specialist
Social Media Manager
Content Strategist
Marketing Manager
Marketing Coordinator

Слайд 9Product
Goods and services being offered (quality, design, features, etc)
Jobs available (responsibilities,

culture, benefits, etc)

Cost of your product

Prestige of your jobs

Advertising, direct marketing, PR, sales force, etc

Advertising, recruitment marketing, PR, recruiters, etc

Where products are sold (channels, locations, etc)

Where jobs are offered (career website, social media, personal networks, etc)


Talent Branding

The Marketing Mix

The 4 Ps as they relate to Talent Brand

Слайд 10Product
Sales Manager jobs: competitive pay, free food, innovative products to sell,

open-plan office environment, travel 50%

Highly desirable jobs: visibility with execs, autonomy to make decisions, fast-paced culture

Targeted updates on LinkedIn, blog about sales management, YouTube channel for sales professionals, sales-specific recruiters

Networking events, employee referrals, LinkedIn, sales job boards

Talent Branding

The Marketing Mix

The 4 Ps as they relate to Talent Brand

Слайд 11SWOT analysis
What’s the lay of the land?
Develop a Talent Brand SWOT


Strengths: What characteristics do you have that give you an advantage?
-Use these to position yourself against competition

Weaknesses: What characteristics do you have that put you at a disadvantage?
-Downplay these and highlight traits that balance them

Opportunities: What elements of your business could you leverage to gain an advantage?
-How can you take a new approach to win talent?

Threats: What factors may cause trouble or difficulty hiring?
-Build a proactive defense and prepare to make changes





Слайд 12Positioning
Differentiating yourself from the competition
Map out your company vs. competitors

to get a clear view of the landscape

What factors do you want to measure against?
pay and benefits
work/life balance
challenging work
career advancement opportunities
learning and growth opportunities

How can you position yourself and differentiate from talent competitors?

Слайд 13Audience segmentation
What are the characteristics of the talent your organization needs?

Слайд 14Audience segmentation
What are the characteristics of the talent your organization needs?

Слайд 15Audience segmentation
Bring your target candidates to life with unique personas
What is

a “persona”?

Marketing: A fictional character created to represent the different user types that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way

Talent Branding: A fictional character created to represent the different candidate types that might be a good fit for your jobs

Слайд 16
Who is Andrew?

Andrew is a sales professional with 10 years of

experience. For the past two years, he’s been managing a small team of people at a tech start-up. He’s wants to make a change and work for a larger company that would give him the chance to travel and gain global work experience. He has been going to networking events and reaching out to old colleagues to learn about new opportunities. In his free time, he enjoys skiing and he’s quite the movie buff. He also volunteers at his local pet shelter and is active in promoting animal rights.

Audience segmentation

Create actual “people” with backstories and photos

Слайд 17Audience segmentation
LinkedIn can help you define these personas with some of

our data

Слайд 18Today’s talent brand leaders are leveraging existing marketing tactics
Drive candidates through

the funnel with targeted outreach

Targeted Ads
Content Marketing
Career Pages
Talent Communities
Sponsored Jobs
Talent Direct

Targeted Ads
Content Marketing
Showcase Pages
Lead Accelerator
Text Ads
Sponsored inMails


Future hires

Слайд 19What makes people passionate about your company?
Work your consumer brand into

your talent brand

Слайд 20Action Items
Things to remember when you get back to your desk

the right people to partner with on your marketing team
Go through the marketing exercises to clearly define your talent brand strategy
Find the overlap and use tactics that help both your consumer and talent brands.

Слайд 21
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