Sponsorship proposal презентация

сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан Almaty Interbanking Conference have recommended itself as one of the most important events of financial sector. Annual conference will give you an excellent opportunity to

Слайд 1Sponsorship proposal
24-25 September, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Слайд 2сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Almaty Interbanking Conference have recommended itself

as one of the most important events of financial sector. Annual conference will give you an excellent opportunity to hear firsthand news from world banking sphere.
Attending the conference you will gain information about development of innovational projects in CIS and far abroad, will be informed with the latest trends on banking market, financial and investment opportunities, commercial strategies of gaining success and also discuss ways of solving contemporary issues.
Attending the conference you will have an unique opportunity to meet with potential clients and partners, establish interesting relations and share with future suggestions for entering new markets.


II Almaty Interbanking Conference

Zailiskiy Alatau mountains

Слайд 3сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Discussion on perspectives of development of world

banking system, determination of contemporary tasks, and its effective decision.

Exchange of experience and informing with financial projects, achievements, plans and problems from colleagues.

Strengthening of collaboration between CIS banks and cooperation among other banks. Establishing of friendly partner relations, new contacts and close business relations.

Drafting recommendations for state regulation bodies on creation of favorable conditions for development of banking system.

Goals of conference

III Almaty Interbanking Conference


Слайд 4сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
IX Almaty Interbanking Conference – more than 500

participants from more than 50 countries:
CIS – 57 %
Europe – 30 %
South-Asian region 8%
Middle East 3%
North America 2 %

CEO’s of central and private banks
stock exchanges
investments fund and rating agencies
audit and law firms, international organizations
leading media editions, agencies, publishing houses business communities


IV Almaty Interbanking Conference

Mountain picnic at trout lakes

Слайд 5сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан

24 September, Wednesday
25 September, Thursday

Слайд 6сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан

Main topic of IX Almaty Interbanking Conference: «World

credit crunch: CIS banking systems – new rules of the game».

Panel discussions:
Global credit crunch – trends and prospects
State regulation of financial systems
Development of global international banking groups and its influence on development of CIS financial systems

Panel discussion to be held for the 1st time :
Influence of business media on financial markets. New challenges of global world.

Conference Agenda

V Almaty Interbanking Conference

Trip to Shimbulak

Слайд 7сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан

Organizing committee is pleased to invite your respectable

company to take part as a Sponsor of the conference.

Sponsoring this big event your company will have great opportunity to strengthen relations with partners and establish new contacts.
Your company’s activity will be known by more than 80 international companies of the world.

We offer following sponsorship packages:
General Sponsor

Sponsorship proposal

VI Almaty Interbanking Conference

V Almaty Interbanking Conference

Слайд 8сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан

Presentation of General Sponsor during advertising campaign :

of logo on the web-site of the conference www.btaconf.kz with the link to corporate site of GS.
Corporate profile on the web-site of the conference www.btaconf.kz
Placement of logo in TV advertising movie of the conference.
Mentioning of GS’ name during radio advertising.
Placement of logo on six advert. banners mounted in the centre of Almaty.

General Sponsorship package

VII Almaty Interbanking Conference

VII Almaty Interbanking Conference

Слайд 9сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Presentation of General Sponsor during the conference :

of logo on the sponsor’s page in the conference brochure;
Placement of A4 advert in main conference brochure;
Placement of logo on the banner mounted behind presidium during conference days;
Opportunity to place corporate brochures into delegate bag;
Opportunity to place branded production in delegates bag with limited sizes
Opportunity to build corporate stand in the coffee-break area with no more than 2 promoters (sponsor provide own promoters);
Free participation of 5 delegates in evening entrainments.

General sponsorship package. Continue…

Sponsors of VI conference

«Eastern Fairy Tale» - Gala-dinner 2006

Cost: 35 000 euro

Слайд 10сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан

Presentation of Sponsor during advertising campaign

Placement of

logo on the web-site of the conference www.btaconf.kz with the link to corporate site of GS.
Corporate profile on the web-site of the conference www.btaconf.kz
Placement of logo in TV advertising movie of the conference.
Mentioning of GS’ name during radio advertising.
Placement of logo on three advert. banners mounted in the centre of Almaty.

Sponsor package

VIII Almaty Interbanking Conference

VIII Almaty Interbanking Conference

Слайд 11сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Presentation of Sponsor during the conference :

Placement of

logo on the sponsor’s page in the conference brochure;
Placement of A4 advert in main conference brochure;
Placement of logo on the banner mounted behind presidium during conference days;
Opportunity to place corporate brochures into delegate bag;
Opportunity to build corporate stand in the coffee-break area with no more than 2 promoters (sponsor provide own promoters);
Free participation of 2 delegates in evening entrainments.

Sponsorship package. Continue…

Trip to the mountains

Kazakh hospitality

Cost 20 000 euro

Слайд 12сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан

Sponsors of Almaty Interbanking Conference 2005 - 2007

AMRO BANK Kazakhstan
Credit Suisse
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ
LLP «Bracewell & Giuliani»

Слайд 13сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Media Partners IX Almaty Interbanking Conference


Institutional Investor
International Financing Review
Global Finance
Emerging Markets Report
Business New Europe
Mapledene Publishing

Слайд 14сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Media Partners Of Almaty Interbanking Conference 2005-2007

Слайд 15сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Delegates of Almaty Interbanking Conference 2007

Слайд 16сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
2007 conference participants

Слайд 17сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
2007 Conference participants

Слайд 18сентябрь, г. Алматы, Казахстан
Organizing committee:

E-mail: conference@bta.kz


Nikonenko Natalya 8 (727) 312 28 61
(for russian-speaking partners),
Onerbaeva Dilyara 8 (727) 266 42 96
(for russian-speaking partners),
Beisembayev Olzhas 8 (727) 250 40 14
(for english-speaking partners),

Fax: 8 (727) 250 12 55


III Almaty Interbanking Conference

V Almaty Interbanking Conference

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