Haval Motor Manufacturing Russia
Date: 2018/05/23
Department: HR&GA
Reporter: Vyacheslav Ulanov
Haval Motor Manufacturing Russia
Date: 2018/05/23
Department: HR&GA
Reporter: Vyacheslav Ulanov
Emergency situation
Decision of General Director
20% of all events are connected with equipment/tools/machines failures
80% of all events are connected with human mistakes and a human factors
each case can have corruption in a basis
Laws & Regulations
Investments & Credits
Property, Resources, Liquidity
of other function
Financial Dept
IT Section
Operational Risks
- employees
- contractors
- parts of equipment
- finished product
- supply chain
- ecology
- fire
- other operational risks
All Depts
All Depts
of Security Group
Antikickback, Bribery, Fraud, Steal, Financial crimes)
Use of any legal methods of receipt of information.
We need to watch all functions and
all information, to control all employees,
all contacts with our contactors
and manage all our risks.
Enterprise Risk Management
1. Senior Specialist of Economic Security
2. Specialist of Access control and CCTV
3. Specialist of Information Security
4. Specialist of Risk Management
takes duties of a part of functions if the employee is absent
(annual vacation or sick-list)
Economic Security
Economic Security
Economic Security
Economic Security
Economic Security
Economic Security
Safety and Security of property of the Company
Economic Security
Procedures/Regulations of goods management
Availability of all procedures for staff.
Staff know and correctly use all procedures.
All procedures are relevant and are timely updated.
We timely train our staff to all procedures.
Staff know and correctly use all procedures.
We check staff know procedures.
Examination of transport and staff.
Check and reconciliation of serial numbers of spare parts and cars.
Use of stationary surveillance cameras, mobile surveillance cameras, models of surveillance cameras, of the hidden cameras of video surveillance.
Use of Special Devices for observation of the hidden cavities of vehicles on each GuardPost:
use of Special Search Mirrors on each GuardPost;
use of Endoscopes for observation of the hidden cavities of vehicles on each GuardPost.
Selective control of actions of employees SSP (Guards).
Use check-sheets, storage and the analysis the check-sheets.
Conducting of sudden checks (including at night and on the weekend).
Arrival of goods.
Level of position approval kind of goods.
Just in time (JIT).
Daily delivery of accessories and parts for production of cars to the assembly line.
Approved List of responsibilities specialists of Departments (External/Internal Logistic).
After coordination with the Director of logistics (External/Internal Logistic), the responsible specialist(External/Internal Logistic) monthly directs written information to mailbox to Security.
Arrival of vehicles happens to goods through Special Gate (only for JIT).
Use of a Special traffic route of vehicles on the territory of the Plant.
Use of special Admittance cards for fast identification of vehicles.
The simplified System of check of vehicles (for fast delivery of goods to the assembly line).
For unloading Special Docks are used (only for JIT).
Introduction of data on the accepted goods in «1C» System, entering into a system of accounting of logistics, receipt, financial accounting.
Selective control, carrying out inventory counts.
Arrival of goods.
Level of position approval kind of goods.
According to requests (ATR).
Delivery of goods, including goods for ensuring activities of the Plant.
Approved List of responsibilities specialists of Departments (External/Internal Logistic).
After coordination with the Director of logistics (External/Internal Logistic), the responsible specialist monthly directs written information to mailbox to Security.
Arrival of vehicles happens to goods through Special Gate (only for ATR).
Use of special Admittance cards for fast identification of vehicles.
The regular System of check of vehicles (for fast delivery of goods to the Warehouse).
Use of a Special traffic route of vehicles on the territory of the Plant.
For unloading Special Docks are used (only for ATR).
Introduction of data on the accepted goods in «1C» System, entering into a system of accounting of internal logistics, receipt, financial accounting.
Selective control, carrying out inventory counts.
Sending of cars.
Level of position approval kind of goods.
Sending cars to dealers.
Approved List of responsibilities specialists of Departments (External/Internal Logistic).
After coordination with the Director of logistics (External/Internal Logistic), the responsible specialist directs written information (VIN of cars, the sent number of cars, Numbers on license plates/Registration plates of Trucks) to mailbox to Security.
Presence of the Guard of Security when uploading the cars on trucks.
For uploading Special Docks are used (only for cars (production)).
Use of special Admittance cards for fast identification of trucks.
Use of a Special traffic route of trucks on the territory of the Plant.
The strong System of check of trucks with use of special technical means and devices.
Sending of trucks happens to cars through Special Gates (only for cars).
Selective control, carrying out inventory counts.
Sending of parts of cars.
Level of position approval kind of goods.
Sending of part of cars to dealers.
Approved List of responsibilities specialists of Departments (External/Internal Logistic).
After coordination with the Director of logistics (External/Internal Logistic), the responsible specialist directs written information (serial numbers of parts of cars, the sent number of parts of cars, Numbers on license plates/Registration plates of Trucks) to mailbox to Security.
Presence of the Guard of Security when uploading the parts of cars on trucks.
For uploading Special Docks are used (only for parts of cars).
Use of special Admittance cards for fast identification of trucks.
Use of a Special traffic route of trucks on the territory of the Plant.
The strong System of check of trucks with use of special technical means and devices.
Sending of trucks happens to parts of cars through Special Gates (only for parts of cars).
Selective control, carrying out inventory counts.
Emergency situation
Safety and Security of
Property, Staff, Visitors of the Company
Emergency situation
Safety and Security of
Property, Staff, Visitors of the Company
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