СЧИТАЛОЧКИна английском языке презентация

One, two, three, four, five, I am flying in the sky. I am a toy airplane, My name starts with “A”! A

Слайд 1
СЧИТАЛОЧКИ на английском языке

Слайд 2

One, two, three, four, five,
I am flying in the sky.
I am

a toy airplane,
My name starts with “A”!


Слайд 3
A cuckoo clock
Says “tick-tock”.
Who says “cuckoo”
You know too!

Слайд 4
One, two, three, four, five,
Five fish like to drive.
One fish told

“Let’s play in the sea!”

Слайд 5
How many ducklings
Can you see?
Quack, quack, quack –
One, two, three!

Слайд 6
If you guess
Say “yes”,
If you don’t know
Say “no”.
If you doubt
Go out!

Слайд 7
Mother, father,
Sister, brother.
One, two, three, four,
We are the family of four!

Слайд 8
Polly has two puppies,
Peter has one,
Pam has a parrot
And I have


Слайд 9
Lady Lemon goes out,
Sir Plum is black and round,
Miss Cherry is

You are the first to eat!

Слайд 10
Five o’clock –
Time for tea.
Take your mug
And come to me!

Слайд 11
Xmas pudding, Xmas tree,
Xmas time is gay and free.
Xmas bells sing

It’s a merry Xmas song!

Слайд 12
The End
Материал взят из книги – «Английская азбука» Татьяна Коти

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