SAY YOURSELVES презентация


homeless people
damaged buildings and cars
destroyed buildings and cars
hurt people
dead bodies
shaken ground


Слайд 3Flood
homeless people
damaged buildings and cars
much water everywhere
alarm signals
swimming people
outage (отключение электричества)

or dead people
shortage of food

Слайд 4Drought
shortage of water and food
damaged farmland
destroyed harvest
sick people
overheating (перегревание)

in prices
poor agricultural situation

burnt trees
destroyed plants
dead animals and insects
diseases of lungs

ash everywhere
burnt ground, grass and plants
broken equipment, machines
diseases of

poisonous gases

Слайд 7

Divide the instructions into three groups

Слайд 8

Define the wind direction and fire spreading.
Shut the windows and the

doors from exposed to the wind side and open them from the other side.
Switch on TV or radio and listen to the information.
Leave the fire zone and go to meet wind
Prepare some food, water, medicine and other necessary things.
Fix the furniture, put heavy things on the floor.
Move on the ground, don’t try to leave fire behind you.
Find the safe place in a building (near the main walls, in the corners)
Switch off gas, water, electricity.
If it is possible, try to get your clothes wet.
If you are outside, find a pit, a ditch, or a ravine far from buildings.
Take your passport, some necessary things and go to the definite place.
Inform about fire as soon as possible.
If you are in any transport, leave it and find the safe place.
Keep away damaged buildings.

Слайд 9Natural disasters: where to go and what to do

stay upstairs or

on the roof
alert (signal)
don’t panic
keep your balance
save your energy
call “rescue service”
don’t let oxygen get in
cover yourself with a wet blanket
try to leave the house
stand in the doorway
stay far from windows

listen to the radio news
don’t use lift
don’t use matches
take all necessary things (documents, money, photos) out of the house
move along the walls
take off heavy boots and clothes
turn off gas and electricity
turn off water
close doors and windows
don’t go to the balcony
don’t run

Слайд 10ATTENTION!!!
NATURAL DISASTERS: where to go and what to do




Слайд 11Past Simple vs Past Continuous

Слайд 12Usage
Действие происходло:
часто, постоянно, регулярно. Обозначает ФАКТ.
Действия последовательные.

Слова помощники:
yesterday, the

day before yesterday, last week (month, year), a week (month, year) ago

Действие происходло:
в определенный момент в прошлом. Указано конкретное время или временной период. Обозначает ПРОЦЕСС. Действия в один и тот же момент времени.
Слова помощники:
yesterday the whole evening, from 5 till 7, yesterday at 9 o’clock, when I came

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Слайд 13Schemes
П + V2

П + did not

+ V1

П + was/ were + Ving

П + was/ were+ not +Ving

Past Simple

Past Continuous

Слайд 14Schemes
“? общий”
Did + П + V1?


+ did + П + V1?

“? общий”
Was/ Were + П + Ving?

“? специальный”
+ was/ were + П + Ving?

Past Simple

Past Continuous



Слайд 15Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous

Слайд 16Usage
Both tenses are used to express that an action began in

the past and is still going on or has just finished. In many cases, both forms are correct, but there is often a difference in meaning: We use the Present Perfect mainly to express that an action is completed or to emphasize the result. We use the Present Perfect Continuous to emphasize the duration or continuous course of an action.

Слайд 18Result or duration?
Do you want to express what has happened so

far or how long an action has been going on yet?

Слайд 19Schemes
П + have/ has + V3

П + have/

has + been + Ving

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Слайд 20Schemes
П + have/ has not + V3
П + have + not

+been + Ving

П (3 л.ед.ч) + has + not +been + Ving

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Слайд 21Schemes
“? общий”
Have/ has + П + V3?

“? специальный”
+ have/has + П + V3?

“? общий”
Have/ has + П + been + Ving?

“? специальный”
+ have/ has+ П + been +Ving?



Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Слайд 22Prepositions

for – в течение какого-то периода времени
- for

a week,
- for six years
Since – с какого-то момента в прошлом
- since 2005
- since their childhood

Present Perfect

Present Perfect Continuous

Слайд 23Open the brackets using Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
1. ___________

(they / arrive) already?
2. Lucy ________ (run) 2000 meters today.
3. I _________ (clean) all morning – I’m fed up!
4. How long __________ (you / know) Simon?
5. I _________ (drink) more water lately, and I feel better.
6. Sorry about the mess! I ___________ (bake).
7. How many times __________ (you / take) this exam?
8. He _________ (eat) six bars of chocolate today!
9. Julie ________ (cook) dinner. Let’s go and eat!
10. The students _______ (finish) their exams. They’re very happy.

Слайд 2411. The baby’s face is really dirty! What ________ (he /

12. Iona is exhausted these days. She ________ (work) too hard
13. Luke __________ (never / be) abroad.
14. I __________ (wait) for three hours already !
15. _________ (you / finish) your homework yet?
16. How long _________ (you / be) a lawyer?
17. I ________ (read) your book all day. It’s very interesting, but I’m only on chapter 2.
18. She _______ (drink) ten glasses of water!
19. I ________ (have) my dog for sixteen years.
20. Help, I ________ (lose) my wallet! How can I get home?

Слайд 25Surviving with optimism
Emergency workers

Слайд 26Let’s revise the words
an age limit
a time limit
a limit

on/to smth
to limit the speed
to monitor the water level/radiation/ a computer/TV monitor
to warn of a rainstorm/tornado
a warning about
without a warning
broadcast messages/warnings/TV programmes
to rescue from flood/tornado
a rescue of children/people
to evacuate people from
an evacuation

возрастной ценз
предельный срок
предел, граница на ….
установить предельную скорость
следить за уровнем воды/ радиацией/ компьютером/ телевизионным
предупредить о ливне с ураганом/ торнадо
предупреждение о ….
без предупреждения
транслировать/ передавать
сообщения/ предупреждения/ телевизионные передачи
спасать от наводнения / торнадо
спасение детей/ людей
эвакуировать людей из …

Слайд 27Write down some new words
to give the first aid to –

оказывать первую помощь
to put in stitches – наложить швы
to give an injection – сделать укол
to transfuse blood – перелить кровь
to help (save) the injured – помочь (спасти) раненым
to undergo an operation – подвергаться операции
to be X-rayed – пройти рентген
to put on fire – тушить пожар
to send supplies – оказывать помощь

Слайд 28What is Emergency?
There are different types of emergencies and different kinds

of emergencies need different people to help.

Emergency Workers





Слайд 29Read the text in ex. 95, p. 27

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