Prezentatsia_Microsoft_PowerPoint презентация

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation The objectives of the organization stability, well-being freedom of its members

Слайд 1Modern world – global community of nations with political and economical


Forming factors:
communication tools
easy transportation
historical events

Слайд 2North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
The objectives of the organization
freedom of

its members

Слайд 3Original purpose: defending Western Europe from communists.
closer ties among

its members
a model for other collective security agreements

Слайд 4Nation goals of every country and international cooperation
Physical security

Economic stability and development

Слайд 5UNITED NATIONS and its bodies
The General Assembly
The Security Council
The Secretariat

Economic and Social Council
The International Court of Justice
The Trusteeship Council.

Слайд 6Some of Regional associations
the Organisation of African Unity (1963)
the League of

Arab States (1945)
the Association of Southest Asian Nations (1967)

Слайд 7European Union
Location: Brussels, Belgium
EU: 27 countries (2007)

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