Pitching your Idea: The Hackathon guide презентация

The Goal This is about communicating your idea and the value of your idea

Слайд 1Pitching your Idea: The Hackathon guide
The no nonsense guide to communicating ideas

with clarity and passion

Dan Ellis – Rallyteam (www.rallyteam.com)
April 29, 2015

Слайд 2The Goal
This is about communicating your idea and the value of your


Слайд 310 Guidelines for successful pitching

Слайд 4#1 Grab attention
There are a lot of pitches: get attention quickly –

you have 10 seconds to develop rapport

Example: Lead out with a attention grabbing fact or statistic. Or ask a leading question of the audience.

Слайд 5#2 Describe the problem
Your hack-idea should be trying to solve a

problem. What is the problem you are trying to solve and why would I care?

Слайд 6#3 Get to the point
Once you’ve framed the problem – get

to your solution
Your time is short and so are attention spans

Слайд 7#4 Show the product
Get to the demo quickly – everything else

is theoretical.
In a three minute pitch – get there in 30 seconds

Even a mockup is better than nothing
It doesn’t need to be polished and perfect --- It is a hackathon after all!

Слайд 8#5 Examples are Powerful
People relate to stories (Think how memorable movies

Ideally, create a scenario with a persona
Walk through an example with your solution
Paint a picture of how it will be used in the real world

Слайд 9#6 Tone and Pace
Don’t have so much content that you need

to rush when you speak
Speak clearly and with good pauses for effect
Less is more

Слайд 10#7 Address your Audience
Refer to but don’t talk at your slides

– Face the audience
Look at the judges and establish eye contact

Слайд 11#8 Be Synchronistic
If you have someone driving the demo – make

sure that the speaker matches what you’re showing!
You must practice being in synch

Слайд 12#9 Don’t get technical
For most solutions describing the underlying technologies doesn’t

serve a purpose
If it’s relevant, it will come out in the questions

Слайд 13#10 End Strong
Bring the audience home
Remind them why it (your hack)

It’s OK and, in fact, almost preferable to end early

Слайд 14-- And -- Have Fun!

Dan Ellis

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