Оптоволокно - Optical fiber презентация

Optical fiber - a highly reliable system for transmitting data over long distances.With low-loss optical fiber link can transmit the signal over distances of tens of kilometers without amplifiers. Optical fiber

Слайд 1Optical fiber

Слайд 2Optical fiber - a highly reliable system for transmitting data over

long distances.With low-loss optical fiber link can transmit the signal over distances of tens of kilometers without amplifiers.
Optical fiber - yarn of optically transparent material (glass, plastic) used to transfer light inside by total internal reflection.

Слайд 3Fiber optic cable.

Слайд 4-Hydrophobic aggregates are used in communication cables for water swelling properties.

strength element (CSE) - steel wire or fiberglass rod inside the dielectric optical cable, twisted around which the optical modules. Serves to reinforce the structure of the cable, under the influence of various loads, including wind loads and tension loads

Слайд 5Advantages of fiber
Absolute protection from electrical interference
Complete absence of radiation

Unauthorized connections to the cable is almost impossible
Speed ​​data transmission via fiber optic system is from 1 to 10Gbit / s.
Allows you to transmit information over long distances.
Fire and explosion safety
Small size and weight
High reliability optical media: optical fibers do not oxidize, do not get wet, are not subject to the weak electromagnetic interference.

Слайд 6Disadvantages of optical fiber
The relative fragility of optical fiber. If a

strong bending of the cable may break fibers or turbidity due to the appearance of microcracks.
Complexity compounds in case of breakage.
Complex manufacturing process of both the fiber and the fiber optic link components.
The complexity of signal
Dimming fiber with time
due to aging.

Слайд 7Devices
Optical Distribution Frame - box to connect fiber optic cable with

standard connectors.

Слайд 8Cable sleeve - a device for mechanical and electrical connection cables

in the cable line, and for connecting it to electrical installations and power lines.

Слайд 9The multiplexer - device that allows using light beams with different

wavelengths to transmit on the same communication line of multiple different data streams.

Слайд 10Welding machine - a device for connecting optical fiber lines (welding

occurs electrocution).

Слайд 11Example

Слайд 12Thank you for your attention

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