Modal verbs презентация

Слайд 1Modal verbs

Слайд 2Тобі слід знайти спеціаліста.
You ought to find a specialist.
You should to

find a specialist.
You should have found a specialist.

Слайд 3Можливо, він шукає кращу роботу.
He should look for a better job.

may be looking for a better job.
He can’t be looking for a better job.

Слайд 4Ми мусили зігнути квітку.
We must bend the flower.
We should have bent

the flower.
We had to bend the flower.

Слайд 5Мені не слід було казати цього тобі.
I shouldn't have told you

I shouldn't tell you this.
I didn’t have tell you this.

Слайд 6Не може бути, що йде дощ.
It may be raining.
It must be

It can’t be raining.

Слайд 7Напевно, він забув, як мене звуть.
A. He must have forgotten my

B. He may have forgotten my name.
C. He should have forgotten my name.

Слайд 8Він ухитрився мене знайти.
A. He had to find me.
B. He could

find me.
C. He was able to find me.

Слайд 9Мені не треба нічого купувати.
A. I needn’t to go shopping.
B. I

mustn’t go shopping.
C. I can’t go shopping.

Слайд 10Вам не слід було купувати цю машину.
A. You must have bought

this car.
B. You oughtn’t buy this car.
C. You shouldn’t have bought this car.

Слайд 11Він, напевно, сказав їм про це.
A. He may have told them

about this.
B. He must have told them about this.
C. He should have told them about this.

Слайд 12Дуже холодно. Ти повинен залишитися вдома.
A. It’s really cold. You ought

to stay home.
B. It’s really cold. You have to stay home.
C. It’s really cold. You could stay home.

Слайд 13Ви не покажете мені ці фотографії?
A. Could you show me these

B. Must you show me these pictures?
C. Are you able to show me these pictures?

Слайд 14Тобі довелось брати таксі?
A. Do you have to take a taxi?

Did you have to take a taxi?
C. Could you take a taxi?

Слайд 15Невже вони вивчали цю мову п'ять років?
A. Should they learn this

language for five years?
B. Were they able to learn this language for five years?
C. Can they have been learning this language for five years?

Слайд 16Невже делегація вже прибула?
A. Could the delegation arrive?
B. Can the delegation

C. Can the delegation have arrived?

Слайд 17Make up a sentence with the following words and word-combinations

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