Land Transport Policy and Priority of Georgia презентация

Outlook Country overview; Transport priorities; Transport reforms; Key figures of transport; The largest trade partners of Georgia; Development of Transport Corridor (TRACECA); Road Infrastructure; Customs Reforms/BCP „Sarpi“; Model Highway Initiative (MHI);

Ra sexvedraa, misha daamate
Workshop on

Investment, Financial and Technological Aspects of The Model Highway Initiative (MHI) Implementation

Thessaloniki, Greece, 6-8 March, 2012

Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia

Gogita Gvenetadze – Deputy Head of the Transport Policy Department

Land Transport Policy and Priority of Georgia

Слайд 2Outlook
Country overview;
Transport priorities;
Transport reforms;
Key figures of transport;
The largest trade partners of

Development of Transport Corridor (TRACECA);
Road Infrastructure;
Customs Reforms/BCP „Sarpi“;
Model Highway Initiative (MHI);
Free Industrial Zones in Georgia .

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 3Country overview


69,700 sq km
Population (2010): 4.4mln
Life expectancy: 76 years
Official language: Georgian
Literacy: 100%
Capital: Tbilisi
Currency (code): Lari (GEL)
GDP 2010 (E): US$11.7 bln
GDP real growth rate 2010 (E): 6.4%
GDPCAGR ‘03-’10 (E) 4.9%
GDPper capita2010(PPP): US$5,057
Inflation rate (e-o-p)2010: 11.2%
External Public debt to GDP 2010: 33.6%
2003 2010(E)
Nominal GDP (mln GEL) 8,564 20,791
GDP per capita (GEL) 1,972 4,646
Total budget revenues (mln GEL) 1,368 5,778

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 4Transport priorities

Integration of Georgia into international transport system and increasing of

transit potential;

Active cooperation in the framework of TRACECA programme and future integration of Georgia into Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T);

Development of transport infrastructure links of regional significance with main roads;

Harmonization of legislation with international standards;

Development of a sustainable transport system through maximizing the use of existing infrastructure;

Elaboration of safety policy in the land transport field.

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 5Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia – Policy-making power


United Transport Administration of Georgia under the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development was responsible for civil aviation, maritime and land transport in Georgia. On 15 April 2011 the Parliament of Georgia approved the relevant laws providing establishment of three legal Entities of Public Law – Civil Aviation Agency, Maritime Transport Agency and Land Transport Agency – that serve to technical regulating authorities of these fields and are under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia, whereas the elaboration of transport policy directions have been delegated to the transport policy department of the ministry.

Structure of Transport Policy Department

Main Functions of the department:

Elaboration of main directions of state policy;
Support of transit potential development;
Cooperation with international structures and organizations;
Elaboration of international agreements;
Participation in bilateral intergovernmental commissions;
Harmonization of Georgian legislation with international and European standards.


Transport Corridor Development Division

Civil Aviation Division

Maritime Transport Division

Land Transport Division

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 6Key figures of transport
Transport Policy Department

Слайд 7
The largest trade partners of Georgia

Import to Georgia, thousand tons
Export from

Georgia, thousand tons

Transport Policy Department

Note: *data includes transported cargo by Railway and Truck

Слайд 8International Truck Transportation (unit)
Truck Transportation Tendency via Georgian Check Points (Unit)

Note: Data includes only loaded trucks

Road Transport
Main figures

In 2011 transit figures through Georgia increased by 19% compared to 2010
In 2011 transportation figures in Georgia increased by 10% compared to 2010

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 9Development of Transport Corridor (TRACECA)
Bearing in mind the geographical location of

Georgia and the policy officially declared by the Government, Georgia aims:

Serving as transit country;

Support of the regional projects for land, maritime and civil aviation transport;

To create hub for international carriage of the goods and passengers;

Identify problems hindering the development of trade and transport systems;

Promote TRACECA projects in aim to attract loans from IFIs and private investors;

Georgia is a member of TRACECA since 1993

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 10

Road Infrastructure

International importance – 1’563 km

Internal importance– 5’446 km

Local importance– 13’426


Total – 20’435 km

89% of roads of international importance are in good condition;

During last few years:

80 km’s of highway is constructed;

3’000 km’s of roads are reconstructed;

Investments – 1,2 billion USD;

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 11Georgia is a party to the 12 main road transport multilateral

Agreements and Conventions;

Note: On the basis of the Decree of the president of Georgia #187 of 7.04.2011, Georgia acceded to the European Agreement concerning the Work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport (AETR).

Road Transport

Georgia has a bilateral Agreements with 21 states in the road transport field;

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 12Before 2005 import procedures required:
After 2009 import procedures require:

54 documents
4 documents


Creation of Customs Clearance Zones in Tbilisi, Batumi, and Poti

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 13BCP „Sarpi“
17 gates;
Infrastructure corresponding modern requirements;
Border control procedures conducted according to

,,Single window” (one shop stop) principle;
On the whole territory of BCP, luggage/hand baggage moved on special carts;
Opportunity to declaration in a simplified manner;
Checking done according to risk criteria;
Submit documents electronically (without using stamps and seals).

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 14Model Highway Initiative (MHI)
Model Highway Initiative (MHI)–Project ‘s main directions


Attraction of international investment for development of road infrastructure (modern auto stations, hotels, safe parking areas et.c.);
Harmonization of international experience based custom procedures;
Arrangement of international road border crossing points according to modern technique demands;

Program results:

Development of middle and small businesses;
Creation of new working places;
Mite in national economics;
Fighting with corruption in borders and roads;
Acceleration of cargo transportation between Europe and Asia regions and reduction of their transportation cost.

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 15Free Industrial Zones in Georgia
RAKIA has signed a management concession

with the Government of Georgia to develop a free and industrial zone near the existing Port of Poti;
Poti Free Industrial Zone is the first in the south Caucasus region and it lies on the historic “silk route” linking the east to the west;
300 hectares of land around the port will be used for a state-of -art free industrial zone.

Free industrial zone is the type of free zone envisaged by Customers Code of Georgia where the business-friendly regulations and favourable tax and customs system apply. FIZ is singled out during the limited time period for economical activity and the companies operating therein are subordinated to the special regime, which is more favorable from legal and commercial point of view.

More than 20 000 employed people
Development of industry
Production is already exported in different countries

Poti FIZ – Rakia Georgia FIZ

Kutaisi FIZ – Georgian International Holding

More than 105 mln USD in 2009-2013
More than 10 000 employed people
Development of industry, logistic parks, business centres 31 companies are already registered

Transport Policy Department

Слайд 16Thank your very much for your attention

Gogita Gvenetadze
Deputy Head of Transport

Policy Department
Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia
Address: 12 Chanturia St. 0108 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel: + (995 32) 299 11 40
Mob: + (995 595) 960 350

Transport Policy Department

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