Kharkiv metro. Project Background. Project Objectives and Scopes презентация

Слайд 1Project Background--Project Objectives and Scopes
Objective of this project – provide

best cost-effective solution for Kharkive metro and reach all requested KPIs. There is high possibility, that prefered solution will be RAN sharing, because it have highest cost-effectiveness for 2-operator’s scenario.

Kharkiv metro has 3 lines, 30 stations and ~38km of tunnels. All stations are build by the same template – platform is between 2 railways. All tunnels and stations are under ground except one tunnel, that build as closed ground metro bridge.

In RFP there is the list of acceptance KPIs for 2G and 3G (OSS and DT KPIs):

For Lifecell main objective is to become Operator #1 in Kharkiv metro at 2018.

Слайд 22.1 Solution overview
General solution overview
According to RFP one BBU can cover

not more than 2 stations (including nearby tunnels). Based on this we made HLD 1BBU per 2 stations.

Kharkiv metro has 3 lines, 30 stations, that means that for whole system we need 15 BBU.

According to link budget calculations and general design assumptions we estimated, that for every station we need 2 RRU (DRH) groups and for every tunnel another 2 RRU (DRH) groups. Every station and every tunnel is the separate sector with 4 TRX (2G) and 3 CC (3G) for each operator)

This means that 1 BBU connected to 8 RRU (DRH) groups. Totally for whole system in that case we need 120 RRU (DRH) groups.

All BBUs will be connected to RNC/BSC by fiber transmission network. Transmission network includes 3 rings (one for every line), one APN for every BBU location and 2 CX at RNC/BSC location.

For both transmission and CPRI needs we will use 48-core fiber cable, that should be installed on the full length of every line.

We are not agree with Lifecell’s traffic calculation, so we proposed our own traffic distribution based on current Vodafone Metro BTS traffic distribution. Vodafone have twice more market share in Kharkiv, then Lifecell.

Слайд 32.1 Solution overview
Transmission network topology

Слайд 42.2 Technical Feasibility Analysis--Feature Compliance and Maturity
Low-level network topology

Слайд 52.2 Technical Feasibility Analysis--Feature Compliance and Maturity
Capacity calculation

Слайд 6
RAN Sharing solution 2 operators (LOT 2,3, opt B)
RRU solution

(LOT 1,2,3, opt A)

RRU solution 2 operators (LOT 1 opt B)

Typical layout connection scenario

2.1 Solution overview

Слайд 7Single DAS scenario (LOT 1, opt B)
Operator’s connection to DCU
2.1 Solution


Слайд 8SingleDAS High Power Portfolio Introduction
RFC : Radio Frequency Card
One band one

RFC,up to 6 RFCs
One operator one RF port /RFC,4 SMA RF ports (Embedded POI)
Individual power/gain adjustment for each operator
G/U/C/L technology ready
RF signal input

DPC :Digital Processing Card
Supported 12 LC/PC ports
Support 72 DRH (12*6)
DCU 1:3 star networking
Support O&M function and Giga IP backhaul



Embedded POI :The same band signal from different operators




cascade to 6

Optical Fiber

RF cable

Operator A

Operator B

Operator D

Operator C


Master DCU

DCU(DAS 3900) Introduction

2.1 Solution overview

Слайд 9
Base station
Service platform

Passive sharing
2.1 Solution overview

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