isenalin10-nedelya.pptx презентация


active cell labels of sheets name of columns name of lines line of formulas Basic elements of the Excel window

Слайд 1The theme: tabular processors.

MS Excel

Excel – is a tabular processor or system for preparing and processing the tabular forms document.

Performed: Isenalin A.A
Group: ХРО-113
Checked: Zhumashev M.S

Слайд 2active cell
labels of sheets
name of columns
name of lines
line of formulas
Basic elements

of the Excel window

Слайд 3active cell
labels of sheets
name of columns
name of lines
line of formulas
Basic elements

of the Excel window

Слайд 4Enter Data
Place the cursor in cell A1.
Type John Jordan. Do not press

Enter at this time.

Слайд 5Delete Data
The Backspace key erases one character at a time.
Press the

Backspace key until Jordan is erased.
Press Enter. The name "John" appears in cell A1.

Слайд 6Edit a Cell
After you enter data into a cell, you can

edit the data by pressing F2 while you are in the cell you wish to edit.

Change "John" to "Jones."
Move to cell A1.
Press F2.
Use the Backspace key
to delete the "n" and the "h."
Type nes.
Press Enter.

Слайд 7Alternate Method: Editing a Cell by Using the Formula Bar

Слайд 8  Alternate Method: Edit a Cell by Double-Clicking in the Cell

Слайд 9Many elements window Excel similar window to element MS Word: Commands

menu, toolbar, Bands of the rolling. But there are and differences:

Document Excel presents itself book, consisting of separate sheet. The Tag three sheets are seen left of horizontal band of the rolling. In total sheets can be 255
" Workspace window is under the table, consisting of column and lines, on intersection which are found cells.
The Column named letter Latin alphabet or their combinations, there are 256.
The lines are designated from 1 to 65536

Слайд 10addresses of cells
Each cell has an address, consisting of name column

and number of the line.
The Address be relative, absolute and mixed. Addressing on method left, right, below, above - is identified to be Relative. The relative address will be automatically change
The absolute address doesn't change where we wouldn't move it. For indication of the absolute address is used sign $.
The mixed addresses is half relative and half absolute
The Address of the cell possible to assign four ways: A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1.

Слайд 11In considered example:
A1 - a relative address
$A1 and A$1 -

a mixed address
$A$1 – absolute address

Change addressing in formula possible by key F4.

Слайд 12The formulas and functions
Formula is the symbols beginning with an equal-sign.

These symbols can include constant values, links to cells, names, functions or operators
Functions in Excel are used for performance of standard calculations in workbooks. Values which are used for functions evaluation are called as arguments. Values of functions as the answer are called as results. For convenience of work of function are broken on categories: mathematical, logical, statistical, text, financial and others.

Слайд 13The Numbers in Excel be several types:
" numeric (the number with

specified by amount decimal sign)
" money (with additional sign of the money unit - can be R (the rouble), TG (тенге), $ (the dollar) and etc.)
" date (with instruction of the type writing the date - a month by numeral or name) “
percent (with symbol %)
" fractional (in the manner of simple crush ?, 21/25, )
" exponential (in the manner of 5,7Е+03 i.e. 5,7 103) and etc.

Слайд 14Read the text once very attentively and try to understand and

remember as much as you can

Слайд 15Separation cell
For performing operation with cell, their it is

necessary to select. The Separation possible to execute several ways:
drawing mouse;
cursor under pressed key Shift;
for choice all columns and lines use the markers a column or lines on edge of the workspace.
if hold the pressed key Ctrl, that possible selects the unbounded area.

Слайд 16Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F)
1. Excel

- a text processor. T/F
2. Each cell has an address, consisting of name column and number of the line. T/F
3. The document of Excel is called as a book. T/F
In total sheets can be 255. T/F
There are 3 addresses of cells. T/F
The lines are designated from 1 to 256. T/F
If hold the pressed key Ctrl, that possible selects the unbounded area. T/F

Слайд 17Sorting and filtering data
Sorting of data is an arrangement of data

in a certain order. Sorting can be on increase or on decrease order
For undertaking the sorting it is necessary:
select the part of table, for which is required sorting;
give the command Main – Sorting and Filter;
in appeared window of the dialogue to choose the necessary column for sorting (or line);
then choose the variant of the sorting (on increase or on decrease)
Snap on button OK.
Filtration of data - selection of data on certain criteria.
For performing the filtering it is necessary:
select the necessary line;
give the command Main - a Sorting and Filter - Filter;
in chosen column will appear button, snap on her and choose necessary, for instance, condition:
in appeared list to indicate the condition and write importance;
confirm the choice a snub on button OK.

Слайд 18The formulas. Work with formula. Notion to functions
The Formulas present itself

expressions, on which are executed calculations on page. The Formula begins with equal sign (=). Is it Below cited an instance formulas, multiplying 2 on 3 and adding to result 5.
The Formula also can include the following elements: functions, references, operators and constants.

Слайд 19Perform Mathematical Calculations
In Microsoft Excel, you can enter numbers and mathematical

formulas into cells. Whether you enter a number or a formula, you can reference the cell when you perform mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Use the following to indicate the type of calculation you wish to perform:
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponential

Слайд 20AutoSum
You can use the AutoSum button   on the

Home tab to automatically add a column or row of numbers. When you press the AutoSum button, Excel selects the numbers it thinks you want to add. If you then click the check mark on the Formula bar or press the Enter key, Excel adds the numbers. If Excel's guess as to which numbers you want to add is wrong, you can select the cells you want.

Слайд 21Formula Errors

Слайд 22##### error
When your cell contains this error code, the column isn't wide

enough to display the value.

Слайд 231. Click on the right border of the column A header

and increase the column width.

Tip: double click the right border of the column A header to automatically fit the widest cell in column A.

Слайд 24#NAME? error
The #NAME? error occurs when Excel does not recognize text

in a formula.

Слайд 251. Simply correct SU to SUM.

Слайд 26#VALUE! error
Excel displays the #VALUE! error when a formula has the

wrong type of argument.

Слайд 271a. Change the value of cell A3 to a number. 1b. Use

a function to ignore cells that contain text.

Слайд 28#DIV/0! error
Excel displays the #DIV/0! error when a formula tries to

divide a number by 0 or an empty cell.

Слайд 291a. Change the value of cell A2 to a value that

is not equal to 0. 1b. Prevent the error from being displayed by using the logical function IF.

Explanation: if cell A2 equals 0, an empty string is displayed. If not, the result of the formula A1/A2 is displayed.

Слайд 30#REF! error
Excel displays the #REF! error when a formula refers to

a cell that is not valid.
1. Cell C1 references cell A1 and cell B1.

Слайд 312. Delete column B. To achieve this, right click the column

B header and click Delete.

Слайд 323. Select cell B1. The reference to cell B1 is not

valid anymore.

Слайд 334. To fix this error, you can either delete +#REF! in

the formula of cell B1 or you can undo your action by clicking Undo in the Quick Access Toolbar (or press CTRL + z).

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