iPhone VS Android:Which Should You Choose? презентация

iPhones Make Sense for MacBook Owners An iPhone offers easy integration with apps already being used on a MacBook Device

Слайд 1iPhone VS Android: Which Should You Choose?

Слайд 2iPhones Make Sense for MacBook Owners
An iPhone offers easy integration with

apps already being used on a MacBook Device

Слайд 3Powered By Google
Androids are powered by Google, which means that users

have instant access to GoogleMaps, GooglePlus, and the powerful Google search engine.

Слайд 4Apple leads the Way
Apple tends to stay ahead of the crowd

with innovation and new technology, and many times Android devices are slow to catch up.

Слайд 5Android Offers More Options
Apple is the only manufacturer of the iPhone,

so there are limited options for models. Androids are manufactured by a number of companies, giving consumers more buying power

Слайд 6Weigh the Pros and Cons
Apple and Android are both great options.

Consider which phone has the features you need.
If you want to learn more about the differences between these phones, visit smartphone-buyer.com.

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