Инструкции по основным требованиям безопасности(по профессии сварщик) презентация

Presentation is prepared by Ledovskih L.A the teacher of the English language Instructions on general requirements of safety (welder by profession) State educational institution secondary vocational education

Слайд 1Презентация подготовила:
преподаватель английского языка
Ледовских Людмила Адамовна
Инструкции по основным

требованиям безопасности (по профессии сварщик)

Государственное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
«Яшкинский техникум технологий и механизации»

Слайд 2Presentation is prepared
by Ledovskih L.A
the teacher of the English


Instructions on general requirements of safety (welder by profession)

State educational institution
secondary vocational education
"Jashkinsky college of technology and mechanization"

When teaching to weld

Слайд 4When training to work on gas-welding equipment

Слайд 5When working on electric
welding apparatus

Слайд 6Instructions for welders General safety requirements

Слайд 7Young people over 18 years may
perform the welding when they

qualification to work on the electric welding apparatus,
- knowledge of instructions of general safety requirements,
- medical examination.

Слайд 8Before the beginning of work
welders should check
the working place,

study tools ,
check the fire situation,
ventilation ,
means of individual protection?
the lighting in the room.

Слайд 9This profession has many
harmful factors:
1. When a worker is injured,

he has to inform his master.
2.While working on welder the workers should use protective clothing, safety goggles, rubber gloves, shoes and rubber mats.

3. At the end of the work the welders should wash hands, turn the machine off, clean the working place and take a bath.

Слайд 10Список источников.

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