In category 1 we have products like:
Pictures of your house
House promotion package
A video of your house
Promotion on facebook
Description of your house for people who interested in your house.
In category 2 we have products like:
A real estate agent will be with you looking at a potential house
And other business about buying a house
The icons need to be the color green, with white behind it. Sort of the image above, but the color can be a bit darker green. The icons need to be at the size of the other images above.
The size of the image need to be 2000x1334.
In category 3:
Legal papers that need to be signed when you buy a house.
A indication price of a house
How much a house worth is
In category 4:
Advice how you can restyle your house after buying a house
architectural inspection
Category 5 is really simple it need to be a download icon
Here is the link to the webshop: