
To get your point across to others is about communication.

Слайд 1A meta story

Слайд 2To get your point across to others is about communication.

Слайд 3Communication issues start the first day of our life.

Слайд 4For most of us, communication issues are part of our entire


Слайд 5Communication is difficult.

Слайд 6The actors don’t speak the same language.

Слайд 7Even if the symbols are the same,

Слайд 8their interpretations are always different.

Слайд 9Psychology studies how knowledge is organized in human brain.

Слайд 10It tells us that for each of our perceptions and thoughts

corresponds a network of activated neurons.

Слайд 11Our whole world can be summarized by a succession of activated

neurons networks.

Слайд 12The position of our neurons depends on our genetic patrimony.

Слайд 13And the strength of the links between neurons depends on different

learning we have experienced during our life.

Слайд 14Both are unique.

Слайд 15So our world is also unique.

Слайд 16That explains different interpretations.

Слайд 17And why communication is so difficult.

Слайд 18There are three key components in the communication process.

Слайд 202. The Idea you want to Share.

Слайд 213. The Audience

Слайд 22At the beginning, there are only you and your idea.

Слайд 23A marvelous idea! You’re so excited about it.

Слайд 24You can’t stop thinking about it.

Слайд 25You fine tune each detail of your idea.

Слайд 26You cherish it so much…

Слайд 27You want to share this idea with your audience.

Слайд 28But the enthusiasm is only luke-warm.

Слайд 29If we compared, what is going on in your brain and

that of your audience’s.

Слайд 30All the time you spent with your idea,…

Слайд 31has made your idea fully integrated in your world.

Слайд 32The network of activated neurons corresponding to your idea

Слайд 33… has strong connections with the rest of the network corresponding

to your world representation.

Слайд 34What is exactly a strong connection between neurons?

Слайд 35The connection between two neurons is like a wire transporting electricity.

Слайд 36When the connection is rarely activated, this wire has a very

low conductivity.

It means that a lot of energy is requested to activate the neighbor neurons.

Слайд 37By repeating the usage of this wire, the conductivity increases.
And less

and less effort is requested to activate the neuron.

Слайд 38So you don’t need any energy to think about your idea.

It is natural as it is fully integrated in your world.

Слайд 39All the time you spent with your idea,

Слайд 40your audience has used it for other things but not your


Слайд 41It has no energy to spend for building roads between neurons

to integrate your idea in his world.

Слайд 42Resources are precious. Your audience has a lot of things to


Слайд 43It is not interested to waste its energy for something he

doesn’t understand .

Слайд 44That explains why communication is so a difficult art.

Слайд 45It is really a pity.

Слайд 46Communication is the basis of all personal and professional success.

Слайд 47Like…
Family Harmony
Social presence

Слайд 48Man is a social animal, so communication is a critical piece

to achieve ourselves.

Слайд 49There is no magic solution.

Слайд 50It will take time to convince the audience.

Слайд 51But you can find some accelerators.

Слайд 52Storytelling is considered as one of the best accelerators for communication.

Слайд 53Thanks to several enablers, storytelling will get your point across to


Слайд 54Intrinsically, stories relax your audience.
First enabler

Слайд 55Listening to a story has automatically a relaxing effect on the


Слайд 56We have all been conditioned at an early age by matching

hearing a story with a pleasurable time.

Слайд 57And thus, the concept of story is linked in our world

with such interesting topics for the speaker such as …

Listening mode

Ready to Learn

Good time

Слайд 58Good stories start with your audience’s world.
Second enabler

Слайд 59To make a connection between your idea and the audience‘s world,

Слайд 60you need to start with something known by your audience, something

that they have already experienced.

Слайд 61So that the story can start with a set of activated

neurons regularly used by the audience.

Слайд 62Otherwise your idea will be lost and won’t survive for long.

Слайд 63Before moving to the third enabler, you must understand that to

get your point across to others…

Слайд 64The whole job is done by the audience.

Слайд 65Nancy Duarte[R] , bestseller book writer on storytelling says : ”The

audience is the hero.”

Слайд 66“You [the speaker] are the mentor”.

Слайд 67So, it is important that you manage its energy well thanks

to the following enablers.

Слайд 68Implement the desire to your audience to change its world.
Third enabler

Слайд 69Changing its world requires efforts.

Слайд 70You have to tease your audience with your story.

Слайд 71You have to tell them the benefits they will receive by

taking your point…

Слайд 72to convince the audience to spend its energy

Слайд 73to build new pathways ( connections) in their brain.

Слайд 74You have to manage their resources during your entire journey.
Fourth enabler

Слайд 75You need to alternate efforts

Слайд 76and pause to let your audience rest and assimilate ideas.

Слайд 77Don’t hesitate to repeat the same message differently.

Слайд 78So that the same neurons are activated again and again.

Слайд 79The main point is to improve connection conductivity between the neurons

of your idea and neurons of your audience’s world.

So that less and less effort is requested for your audience to activate the neurons of your idea.

Слайд 80And reinforce connection with your idea.

Слайд 81Elude your audience’s obstacles.
Fifth enabler

Слайд 82Anticipate the audience’s obstacles to accept your idea and destroy them.

Слайд 83This will allow them to go on with the job of

building (connections) at lower efforts.

Слайд 84The job of the mentor (speaker) is to give advice about

how to bypass different obstacles to reach the Promised land.

Слайд 85Rewards.
Sixth enabler

Слайд 86After all the efforts,

Слайд 87It is time to reward the audience.

Слайд 88And make them feel how good it is to share your


Слайд 89This reward will add positive feelings to your idea integrated in

the audience’s world.

Слайд 90Conclusion

Слайд 91There is no magical formula in getting your point across to


Слайд 92Hopefully.

Слайд 93To get your point across to others, you can only sew

the seed in their brains.

Слайд 94And use enablers to make it growth.

Слайд 95Storytelling gives you the time and the space to use enablers

to make your idea grow.

Слайд 97This is a Meta story.
This story uses the same enablers that

one’s describes in the story.

Слайд 98If I succeeded to keep your attention until page n°98, these

enablers may have some power.

Слайд 99Reference
Nancy Duarte

CEO and author. Passionate about persuasion and visual stories used

in business. 
Really the queen of storytelling. Her bestselling book “Resonate” is absolutely a must to read if you want to go deeper in storytelling.

Follow her on Twitter : @nancyduarte

Or more information on :

Слайд 100Thank you !!!
Follow me on twitter : @BrainSlideStory
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