HIRERS презентация

Every entrepreneur’s dream is to get “the super star sales performer” for his company.   

25 Things Entrepreneurs Must Know Before Hiring
The First Sales



Слайд 2Every entrepreneur’s dream is to get “the super star sales performer”

for his company. 


Слайд 3As your startup matures to hiring mode, you must get certain

factors right in the first place.


Слайд 4Before you hire someone to sell for you, you must try

selling your product atleast for couple of months.


Rule # 1

Слайд 5Great sales people are a rare breed.

Rule # 2

Слайд 6If you want to hire a sales person as your second

line, do not expect him to be your “alter ego” or “mirror image”


Rule # 3

Слайд 7Get clear about whom you want & why you want. Getting

your expectations clear can influence you to take better hiring decisions.


Rule # 4

Слайд 8Define how you are planning to remunerate your sale person.  Always

ensure to bond performance to income.


Rule # 5

Слайд 9Fix a sales target and make sure to stress the target

achievement from the very beginning.


Rule # 6

Слайд 10Never be stingy to compensate an over performer

Rule # 7

Слайд 11Look out for passion, perseverance & willingness in people

Rule # 8

Слайд 12Use CRM, track sales closing rate continuously and review performance &

progress regularly

Rule # 9

Слайд 13You must vigorously train people in selling your product/service

Rule # 10

Слайд 14Finding great sales people who are willing to hustle for your

dreams is challenging but attainable

Rule # 11

Слайд 15Hire Slow. Set probation periods. Fire Fast

Rule # 12

Слайд 16Retain best performing sales staff by offering ESOP (employee stock action


Rule # 13

Слайд 17Your first sales person is an account manager, a project manager

and a brand advocate.

Rule # 14

Слайд 18Have a proper Recruiting, Hiring, On-boarding, Training & Sales process in


Rule # 15

Слайд 19Your better pay structure don’t guarantee you better sales person

Rule #


Слайд 20Over achieving sales targets in a corporate brand doesn’t mean he

is going to be a Top achiever in your startup.

Rule # 17

Слайд 21As you value the importance of hiring a good sales person,

you must also value his ability to fit your company’s culture. 

Rule # 18

Слайд 22A sales person who is comfortable with cold-calling is always superior.


# 19

Слайд 23Have knowledge about your product/service’s average sales cycle period

Rule # 20

Слайд 24A best sales person will have the “eagerness to learn &

improve in new areas”

Rule # 21

Слайд 25You can find out a lot about a sales person from

his “sales pitch”

Rule # 22

Слайд 26Set your core values & long term vision.

Rule # 23

Слайд 27Define what you can offer to the new-hire apart from salary

benefits (training, great work culture, awesome work environment, challenging projects, continuous training programs)

Rule # 24

Слайд 28Sales people love to compete. Do not push them to comfort

zone by handing out leads, often.

Rule # 25

Слайд 29Visit www.thehirers.com

Struggling to Hire?
Phone +91-9962606690 / 044-43553338
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Connect On Facebook: www.facebook.com/theHirers

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