"Hamlet" – a philosophical tragedy презентация

William Shakespeare is widely known in theatrical circles, but at the same time, he mysterious person. The story has a rather meager facts of his biography. Creativity and an outstanding literary

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Слайд 2William Shakespeare is widely known in theatrical circles, but at the

same time, he mysterious person. The story has a rather meager facts of his biography. Creativity and an outstanding literary life, shrouded in a veil of mystery.

Слайд 3It is believed that William Shakespeare was not. After all, no

documentation to back up that claim does not exist. In the book of the Church of the Holy Trinity, the city Strayforda-on-Avon, there is only one single record from the 26th April 1564, the baptism of William - the son of John Shakespeare. His creative way and London in life, little is known. The main sources of information are the legends and stories of third parties. No manuscripts of Shakespeare, does not exist.

Mystery of Shakespeare

Слайд 4Shakespeare - the creator of the whole universe of art, he

had an incomparable imagination and knowledge of life, knowledge of people, so any analysis of his play is extremely interesting and instructive. However, for the Russian culture of all of Shakespeare's plays was the first by the value of "Hamlet."

Слайд 5Let's start with the fact that the plot of "Hamlet", like

almost all other works of Shakespeare, borrowed from the previous literary tradition. Have not survived the tragedy of Thomas Kidd's "Hamlet" presented in London in 1589, but we can assume that it was based on Shakespeare, giving his version of the story.

Слайд 6The premiere of "Hamlet" in theater "Globe" was held in 1601,

and this year the famous shocks in the history of England, which directly affected the company of "Globe" and Shakespeare himself. The fact is that in 1601 - the year of "conspiracy of Essex," when a young favorite of the aging Elizabeth, the Earl of Essex, led his people to the streets of London in an attempt to start a rebellion against the Queen, was captured and beheaded.

Слайд 7The action of the tragedy begins in Elsinore, the castle of

Danish kings. Night Watch tells Horatio, Hamlet's friend, the appearance of the Ghost. It's the ghost of Hamlet's late father, who in the "dead hour of the night," says his son that he did not die of natural causes, according to all, and was murdered by his brother Claudius, who took the throne, and to the married to the mother of Hamlet, Queen Gertrude. The Ghost demands that Hamlet's revenge, but the prince should first make sure to say: what a ghost - a messenger of hell?

Слайд 8To gain time and not find yourself, Hamlet pretends to be

mad, incredulous Claudius conspires with his courtier Polonius to use his daughter Ophelia in Hamlet that love to see is it really Hamlet lost his mind. For the same purpose in Elsinore caused by old friends of Hamlet, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who are willing to agree to help the king. Exactly in the middle of the play is the famous "Mousetrap": the scene in which Hamlet persuades guests to Elsinore actors act out the play, showing exactly what he told the ghost, and distraught reaction Claudia is convinced of his guilt

Слайд 9From the moment he finds out the secret of the Ghost,

Hamlet's past life is crumbling. As it was before the commencement of the tragedy can be judged by Horatio, his friend at the University of Wittenberg, and the stage of the meeting with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern when he shines wit - until such time as the friends do not admit that they called Claudius. Indecent ambulance wedding maternal, Hamlet Sr., in which the Prince saw not just his father, but the ideal man explained his somber mood at the beginning of the play. And when Hamlet is faced with the task of revenge, he begins to realize that the death of Claudius does not fix the overall situation, because everything in Denmark quickly forgot the Hamlet Sr. and quickly become accustomed to slavery.

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