Grammatical features of internet презентация

Relevance Due to development of the Internet and growing popularity of communication in social networks there is a need to study this type

Слайд 1This work is done by
Honcharuk Bohdan Petrovych
Pupil of 11 form
Krasyliv, School


Scientific supervisor:
Voitenko Yaroslava Sergiivna

Grammatical features of internet communication among users of social networks.
Emoticons as a way of expression of emotion.

Слайд 2

Due to development of the

Internet and growing popularity of communication in social networks there is a need to study this type of virtual communication that is becoming one of the major ways of intercourse in modern society.

Слайд 3

Basing on the research and polls

to consider the characteristics of social network communication among teenagers and the ways of expression emotions in the Internet.

Слайд 4Problems

to learn the concept and organization of internet communication,
to study

scientific and methodological literature about features of internet communication,
to present prospects of internet communication,
to analyze conglomerated information and to make conclusions.

Слайд 5Subject of investigation

Communication in the Internet and its features
Object of investigation

network Internet as a way of organizing of virtual communication

Слайд 6
The knowledge obtained in the course of writing and research results

can be used when working at school English teacher, also it will be useful in preparing for lectures and workshops concerning the topics of communication on the Internet.

Practical meaning

Слайд 7

The world we live


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The Internet – the most powerful “changer” of modern society

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Question №1: “Do you know about the existence of such a

way of expressing emotion in internet dialogue as smile or emoticon?”

Diagram №1

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These emoticons could be arranged in any order and still

convey the same meaning

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In certain circumstances, emoticons follow sequences

that represent the order of events

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Subject is placed before the verb of a sentence

Слайд 15
Lack of a verbal component of the Internet communication led

the creation of smileys and emoticons, which helped users
to deal with the problem of emotional depletion in the virtual
world. This way humanity created kind of a new form of
language that has its own features connected with user's age,
nationality, profession and way of life.

Слайд 16
Thank You for
Your attention

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