gradient fade презентация

The tattoo on the mans arm needs to gradually grow faint and then disappear completely (Please only concentrate on the tattoo on the arm) Gradient Fade of the tattoo, from the

Слайд 1The tattoo on the mans arm needs to gradually grow faint

and then disappear completely (Please only concentrate on the tattoo on the arm)
Gradient Fade of the tattoo, from the wrist up. Gradually fade the tattoo until the skin near the t-shirt sleeve has no tattoo. The picture to the right is an example of gradient fading.

This is an example of what a gradient fade is. The example shows how, starting from the bottom, the picture is fully visible and then as it progresses up it becomes more and more faint and then you can not see the picture at all. (I would like for you to create this same effect to the tattoo on the mans arm)

Слайд 2The tattoo on the mans arm needs to gradually grow faint

and then disappear completely (Please only concentrate on the tattoo on the arm)
Gradient Fade of the tattoo, from the wrist up. Gradually fade the tattoo until the skin near the t-shirt sleeve has no tattoo. The picture to the right is an example of gradient fading.

This is an example of what a gradient fade is. The example shows how, starting from the bottom, the picture is fully visible and then as it progresses up it becomes more and more faint and then you can not see the picture at all. (I would like for you to create this same effect to the tattoo on the mans arm)

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