Global picture of modern threats in Cyber Security презентация

Goals & Objectives The goal of this module is to provide an understanding of the variety and complexity of threats in the current enterprise IT environment. After

Слайд 1

Module 1
Global picture of modern threats in Cyber Security

Слайд 2
Goals & Objectives
The goal of this module is to provide an

understanding of the variety and complexity of threats in the current enterprise IT environment.

After completing this module, you should be able to understand:
A high-level overview of recent major incidents and the worldwide modern threat landscape, based on data and figures from IBM’s X-Force Threat Research.
Additional use cases of related concepts such as organized cyber crime, cyber crime on demand, Advanced Persistent Threat attacks, and the Cyber Kill Chain approach.
The tools and techniques used by attacks, reviewing such concepts as Vulnerability, Exploit, and Remediation; DDOS, SQL Injection, Watering Hole attacks, Insider threat, and Zero Day attack.

Слайд 3Security Events, Attacks, and Incidents
These figures are averages representing single organization’s

security monitoring results. Every organization is constantly under attack.


Security event: An event on a system or network detected by a security monitoring device or security application.

Attack: A security event that has been identified by monitoring tools as malicious activity that is attempting to collect, disrupt, deny, degrade or destroy systems or information.

Security incident: An attack or security event that has been reviewed by security analysts and deemed worthy of deeper investigation.

Слайд 4Types of Security Incidents
Nearly half of security incidents in 2015 were

the result of unauthorized access


Слайд 5Who is responsible for attacks?
Sixty percent of all attackers are “insiders”

- and this number is increasing


Security measures must be able to address the insider threat – as well as protecting against malicious outsiders

Слайд 6Cyber Risk Factors
What are the biggest risk factors from a cybersecurity

A recent survey of over 100 corporate disclosure documents shows us the risks:

reputational harm (83%)

civil litigation (60%)

regulatory enforcement (51%)

remediation costs (50%)

privacy law compliance (43%)


Each of these factors can result in significant costs to an organization.

Слайд 7Basic Security Concepts
Some security terms which we will be using throughout

this course



Any feature of a system which can be used to perform unauthorized actions, or allows bad things to occur


A tool, program or action which is used to take advantage of a vulnerability


The work that needs to be done to correct a vulnerability or reduce the likelihood of a threat occurring


Anything we are trying to protect: information,
people, infrastructure, or systems


What we are trying to protect against -- the possibility that a certain type of negative event may occur


The potential for loss, damage or destruction of an asset as a result of a threat exploiting a vulnerability

Слайд 8Threat Actors
Disgruntled employee

Hacker collective
Organized cyber crime
Lone hacker
Cyber warfare

Слайд 9 Common Types of Attacks
These terms are commonly used to refer

to standard types of attacks:


Слайд 10Understanding the Cyber Kill Chain
The cyber kill chain is a phase

model of how attackers operate:


Слайд 11The Cybercrime Ecosystem


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