Friends for life. ANNE & JIMM презентация

ANNE TAVERN She was born 1855, 13 March, in little town named Gelftown, United States of America. At the age of 7 years, when she come to school, Anne have

Слайд 1ANNE & JIMM
Friends for Life

Слайд 2
She was born 1855, 13 March, in little town named

Gelftown, United States of America. At the age of 7 years, when she come to school, Anne have a white long hairs, green eyes, light skin. She was communicative, always wanted to make friends with somebody.

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He was born on the same time and place that

Anne. Jimmy was the complete opposite of Anne. Dark short hairs, black eyes, dark skin, constrained, shy, not needed in meeting new people.

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Their first meeting
It happened on First September, when they were first

time in their school. They right away paid attention to each other. Anna came and started acquaintance. Jim despite his shy support dialogue as never before. He felt close to her in his cup.

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 About the adventure they went through together
During that time as one

of the couples in trouble, the other was always ready to help and support. They almost never parted.
Jim became more sociable, thanks to Anna.

Слайд 6
13 March, 1932 they lay on the bed hugging each other

and did not wake up.





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