english презентация

My school My school is the best and coolest. It has everything to teach us something. In our school there is a computer room, in order to teach us how to

Слайд 1English Language Project on:
My school and my classmates.

Konin Anton

Слайд 2My school
My school is the best and coolest. It has everything

to teach us something. In our school there is a computer room, in order to teach us how to work on a computer, in our time it is simply necessary. In the gym there is everything that could maintain its physical form.

Слайд 3
Also, as in all schools in the world, we have a

wonderful dining room where you can have a good meal and go on to learn further. Teachers in our school are the most intelligent. They will always help you if it is difficult for you. They are very kind. Thanks to all of them.

Слайд 4
My favorite lessons are PE and geography. Geography is very interesting

subject, and no less important than mathematics in life. My most not favorite lesson is physics. I do not know why I do not like him, I very often do not understand physics, although I try very hard to understand.

Слайд 5
Twice a week I go to the sports section for basketball.

Almost every year we go to the regional competitions. Speaking at these competitions is not bad. We have a good and well-coordinated team. I'm proud of my school.

Слайд 6My classmates
My classmates are excellent people. If they were not, I

would be very difficult to learn. At each request they will respond well and help. Each of them is good in its own way. Someone who sings well, draws, someone knows English well. Each one will not tell.

Thank you for attention.

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