Don’t annoy the recruiter презентация

Recruiters are a powerful ally to have in the employment game. But if you annoy them, they will not let you pass go.

Слайд 1Don’t annoy the recruiter

Слайд 2Recruiters are a powerful ally to have in the employment game.

But if you annoy them, they will not let you pass go.

Слайд 3Keep them on side by avoiding these mistakes

Слайд 4No Contact
Failing to list your contact details or listing them incorrectly.

Your contact details must be easy to spot quickly. And they ill be pointless if they are wrong – so check them!

Слайд 52. You’re forceful
It’s a good idea to follow up any interview

with a note, email, or call to say thank you. But don’t get too clingy. It’s not okay to call a recruiter every day to ask them for an update on your application's progress. If you annoy them it might be detrimental to your place on the candidate shortlist.

Слайд 63. You’ve got an attitude problem
You need to treat a recruiter

the same way you would a potential new boss because if you’ve got the wrong attitude you won’t get a second chance. You want the recruiter on your team so you can advance to the next stage

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