Design I First Class 2015 презентация


Слайд 1 Welcome DESign I ANI 1550 Your Career Starts


Слайд 2Co-coordinators of the Animation Program
Tom Crook
Office J315C – way down the

hall of third floor of J building – past J 311

Neil Hunter
Paul West
J 306

Слайд 3First Year Design Professors
Tom Crook
Ross Love
Radek Maslowiec

Слайд 4Week 1 – last week - You had classes starting Wednesday,

September 7th as per your new schedules Week 1 is an Animation week Week 2 – this week - is a Design week – Week 3 and 4 are Animation Weeks – as so on

Слайд 5
An animation week is where your ANI 1592 and ANI 1550

classes – 4 hours each - are all focused on Animation
Week 1 is an Animation week
There are no Design lectures or assignments that week
Week 2 ( Starting Monday September 12) is a Design week – so all of your ANI 1592 and ANI 1550 classes are focused on Design
There are no Animation lectures or assignments that week Weeks2, 5, 6, 9 and 10 are Design Weeks Weeks 1, 3, 4, 7, 8 11,,12,13,14 and 15 are Animation weeks

Слайд 6The weekly breakdowns are up on P and P Blackboard the

Design Blackboard - Under the AC Day 1 Orientation bar - top left

Слайд 10Switching Groups

If there is a legitimate reason that you need to

switch groups you must find someone in the other group to switch with you and then contact Paul, Neil or Tom with the name and student numbers –all groups are full

Let’s divide into groups and see who needs to change groups

Слайд 11First Year Students Must Have a Macbook Pro Laptop

Слайд 13You need to log into Blackboard and Select your course –


Слайд 14Design I is in green with a banner across the top All

of your notes and assignments are under the green buttons on the left – so this week is WEEK 31DESIGN You have to make sure all your notes are downloaded before your first Design class

Слайд 15Logging on to the Animation Server

Слайд 16Supplies
In Design you need the animation supply kit
To start you need

to pick up your Animation Kit at the Connections Bookstore at checkout desk in the bookstore or on line – if they sell out you can buy the supplies separately
You will need more than 4 folders for the year but do not horde them
You will also need masking tape or green painters tape to put artwork up on the board

Слайд 17The kit is missing some things – you need at least

6 or 7 different col erase coloured pencils – you CANNOT use light blue or yellow in this course – they do not photocopy or scan well

Слайд 18Need More Animation Paper?
Unpunched animation paper is available in the print

No more than 7 sheets of paper in the hole punch

Слайд 19Required books

Слайд 20Software
Maya – There is a free student version on line you

can register for with your Algonquin e-mail address
Toon Boom’s Harmony – see the offer sheet with your hand outs
Keynote and Pages programs required – newer macs have it included – with older macs you have to buy it
Photoshop - came with your tuition – there is a website on the college bookstore to get your software

Слайд 21Some Students took Pre Animation Some did Not
It does not matter

we will all be starting to learn perspective and creating layouts from ground zero – step by step at first
Ask questions
Be good to your animation family!

Слайд 22J 307 is the Overflow Room
If there is no class in

room J 307 then any first or second year student can use the third year lab
You cannot enter is there is a scheduled class – all schedules for our rooms are outside on the wall
IF you eat or drink in there or talk or use it as a social gathering place or use the computers for personal videos or play music you will be banned from the room
As soon as we get ANY complaints from the third years that it is noisy in the lab then ALL first and second years will be banned from using the third year lab

Слайд 23Using an Unused Desk in N100 During Other Classes
Each professor has

their own rules for students using a desk during their class – oyu have to talk to them
For me you have to ask me before class begins – if you stay you can not keep going in and out of the room because it disrupts the class
Priority seating and computer use goes to the group who’s class time it is

Слайд 24Remove your Garbage from this Room
Don’t leave garbage in the desks

you share with other people
Do not leave any valuables in the room

Слайд 25Your Cube Child

Слайд 26Get to know where things are in the College: Explore
Starbucks –

Tim Hortons
The Ob
Health Services
The new printers throughout the college that anyone can use
ITS in C Building
Media and Design office N 215C
What about outside the college? – comic book shoppe – Staple s - all on Merivale Road

Слайд 27Centre for Accessible Learning

Room E 314 Student Commons

If you have any

learning disabilities or mental health issue you need to register with CAL

Слайд 28The Print Shop

NEW The print shop is or

will shortly be in the Bookstore - Connections

Phone: 613-727-4723 x 7109

Hours of Operation: ?
Monday to Thursday 7 : 45 – 4pm?
Bookstore open till 7

Слайд 29Algonquin Has A Student Survival Website

Слайд 31If You Fail a Core Course
If you fail a core

course like Animation Drawing or Design or Life Drawing you cannot continue onto semester II
If you fail your Communications I course or the Enviro course you can continue on without it but you have to re-take them pass them in order to graduate

Слайд 32Do not Hide
The best way to fail your classes is to

Make sure your artwork ( maybe not assignment # 1 and 2 in Design) gets seen by your professor
Animation is all about revisions
Revision after revision after revision
That’s the Studio way! So you need to get used to that system.

Слайд 33Good Time Management Skills Are Essential
You need to keep a schedule

are your important benchmarks
When can you get the most work done?
If you are late for a class or miss a class you are responsible for getting all the notes and information from class and from on the boards

Слайд 36Deborah Buck is Your Student Success Specialist

Deborah can help you with

PLAR issues like getting a credit for Communications 1. She can also help you with your Gen Eds and adding / dropping courses.
Deborah can help if you are having time management issue by recommending some Algonquin on line help
If you are having trouble coping or if you have financial issue start by talking to Deborah Buck

Слайд 40Suggested Websites
There is a public Algonquin Animation Group group on Facebook

Слайд 41If you have not signed and handed your release form or

directives on professional form you have to do so now

Слайд 42Start a Facebook Group for Just First Years

Each year has it’s

own closed Facebook group just for students on that year
A great place to ask questions and talk about animation
Be careful though your professors have to be administrators and they can see all

Слайд 43Do We Have All of our Class Reps Elected Yet?

If not

- Hopefully that will all get done this week
Contact me – - if you are a class rep so that all of the forms are filled out

Слайд 44Academic Advisors
Academic advisors will be assigned to you in the next

week or so
They will arrange meetings with you to talk about how things are going in the program etc.

Слайд 49Exercises Count the F’s in the sentence count them only once Do not go

back and count them again


Слайд 50



Слайд 51 There are 6 F’s
One of average intelligence finds 3 of them.

If you spotted 4, you're above average. If you discovered 5, you can turn your nose at most anybody. If you caught 6, you are a genius. There is no catch. Most people forget the "OF"s. The human brain tends to see them as Vs instead of F's. Is this a valid way to determine how "smart" someone is

Слайд 52Brain Teasers
The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it;

and the user doesn't even see it. What is it?
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?
How could you rearrange the letters in the words "new door" to make one word? Note: There is only one correct answer.
Which is correct to say, "The yolk of the egg *are* white" or "The yolk of the egg *is* white"?
Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin's egg. Why not?
What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and earth?

Слайд 53Brain Teasers
The maker doesn't want it; the buyer doesn't use it;

and the user doesn't even see it. What is it? A coffin
Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on Earth?Mount Everest - it just wasn’t discovered yet
How could you rearrange the letters in the words "new door" to make one word? Note: There is only one correct answer.
new door = one word ( when letters re-arranged)
Which is correct to say, "The yolk of the egg *are* white" or "The yolk of the egg *is* white"?
Neither - the yoke is yellow
Even if they are starving, natives living in the Arctic will never eat a penguin's egg. Why not?
Penguins live in the antarctic
What is one thing that all wise men, regardless of their religion or politics, agree is between heaven and earth?
The word “and”

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Что такое

Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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