Chapter 20:Documenting the ATM Network Topology презентация

Verify the ATM Switch Processor ILMI parameters Verify the Catalyst® ILMI parameters Enable VTP on the LANE module Discover the ATM network fabric Upon completion of this chapter, you will

Слайд 1Chapter 20: Documenting the ATM Network Topology
Copyright © 1998, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Слайд 2Verify the ATM Switch Processor ILMI parameters
Verify the Catalyst® ILMI parameters

VTP on the LANE module
Discover the ATM network fabric

Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to:


Слайд 3Start AtmDirector™
Display the ATM network fabric
Interpret the ATM topology map
Display device

and link information
Modify the ATM topology display

Objectives (cont.)

Слайд 4Uses SNMP packet types over AAL5
Adjacent nodes exchange autodiscovery information
Automatically configures

end-system addresses

AtmDirector and ILMI

Слайд 5Physical interface MIB
Per-VCC statistics MIB
ATM-layer interface MIB
ATM-layer statistics
Virtual channel MIB

Слайд 6Required on at least one ASP interface
Used for network management
Verifying Parameters

on the LS1010 ASP

Слайд 7Configuring ILMI Parameters on the LS1010 ASP
Enable ILMI
Show ILMI status


Слайд 8Configuring ILMI on the Catalyst ATM Module
ILMI is enabled by default

known VPI/VCIs are used for ILMI and signaling
ILMI keepalive timers must be enabled at both ends of a link or not used at all

Слайд 9Disabled by default
Must be done before discovery
Forces the default VLAN to

be added
Default VLAN needed for management

Enabling VTP on the Catalyst ATM Module

Слайд 10Configuring the LECS and LES/BUS

Слайд 11Configuring a Backup LECS

Слайд 12Discovering the ATM Network

Слайд 13Displaying the ATM Network Fabric

Слайд 14Interpreting the ATM Topology Map

Слайд 15Displaying Details in the ATM Topology Map

Слайд 16Modifying the Topology Map Preferences

Слайд 17AtmDirector automatically merges and separates fabric maps
Merges concatenate names
Separation appends -1

and -2 to original names
Original map must be closed to delete it

Merging and Separating ATM Fabrics

Слайд 18Summary
Verify the ATM Switch Processor ILMI parameters
Verify the Catalyst ILMI parameters

VTP on the LANE module
Discover the ATM network fabric
Start AtmDirector

Слайд 19Summary (cont.)
Display the ATM network fabric
Interpret the ATM topology map
Display device

and link information
Modify the ATM topology display

Слайд 20Lab Diagram
ATM Switches
Catalyst Switches
Catalyst Switches

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