Building Your First Android App Using Xamarin презентация


Building your first Android app using Xamarin Gill Cleeren - @gillcleeren

Слайд 2Building your first Android app using Xamarin
Gill Cleeren - @gillcleeren

Слайд 3Building your first Android app using Xamarin
Gill Cleeren

Слайд 4Hi, I’m Gill!

Gill Cleeren
MVP and Regional Director
.NET Practice Manager @ Ordina

& speaker


Слайд 5I’m a Pluralsight author!
Courses on Windows 8, social and HTML5

Слайд 6Agenda
Overview of Xamarin and Xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android fundamentals
Creating a detail screen
Lists and navigation

from master to detail
(Optional) Intro to using Fragments
Optimizing the application
Preparing for store deployment

Слайд 7Targets of this talk
Understanding the fundamentals of Android app development with

See how a fully working app can be built

Слайд 8The demo scenario
Android Coffee Store Manager
List of coffee
Navigation to details page

Слайд 9DEMO
Looking at the finished application

Слайд 10Overview of Xamarin and Xamarin.Android

Слайд 11Hello Xamarin
Xamarin enables developers to reach all major mobile platforms!
Native User

Native Performance
Shared Code Across Platforms
C# & .NET Framework
Toolset on top of Visual Studio
Enables VS to create native iOS and Android apps
Commercial product

Слайд 12Advantages of Xamarin
Full control
Familiar development environment
Native controls
Native performance
Code reuse
Active component


Слайд 13Disadvantages of Xamarin
You need a licence
It’s not a shared UI Platform

need to understand each platforms UI controls and UX paradigms

Слайд 14Write Everything in C#

iOS, Android, Windows, Windows Phone, Mac
Billions of Devices


Слайд 15The Xamarin platform
Xamarin Forms

Слайд 16Xamarin.Android exposes many extra device types

Слайд 17Xamarin.Android
Anything you can do in Java/Android can be done in C#

and Visual Studio (or Xamarin Studio) with Xamarin!

Слайд 18How Xamarin works on Android
Mono VM + Java VM execute side-by-side

(supports both Dalvik and ART)
Mono VM JITs IL into native code and executes most of your code
Can utilize native libraries directly as well as .NET BCL

Слайд 19A word on code-sharing
Xamarin brings development time through the use of

Possible (currently!) using
Shared projects:
allows organizing the shared code
#if directives for platform specific code
“include” the platforms we want to support
Abstract to interfaces where platforms have specific implementations

Слайд 20Target architecture for a Xamarin app

Слайд 21Preparing for Android development

Слайд 22What you need for Xamarin.Android development
Xamarin license (Xamarin.Android)
PC or Mac
Visual Studio

or Xamarin Studio
Android SDK and Emulators (installed via Xamarin setup)
Device (not really required but...)

Слайд 23Installing Xamarin.Android

Слайд 24Visual Studio Integration
A single solution:
Windows Phone
Windows Store

Leverage the entire Microsoft ecosystem:

Foundation Server
Your favorite code coverage and profiling tools

Слайд 25Visual Studio Integration
Debug to:

Integrated into toolbar
List of devices

Слайд 26Alternative: Xamarin Studio
Optimized for cross-platform mobile development

Explore native APIs with code


World class Android and iOS designers

Powerful debugging on simulator or device

Слайд 27A word on emulators
Setup will install some basic emulators for you

great… for drinking a lot of coffee

Слайд 28Alternatives for the default emulators
Possible options
-Requires VirtualBox under the hood
HAXM drivers

Player from Xamarin
Microsoft Android emulator

Слайд 29Developing with a device
3 steps
Enable Debugging on the Device
Install USB

Drivers (Windows only)
Connect the Device to the Computer

Слайд 30Enable device debugging
Tap the Build number 7 times to reveal developer


Слайд 31Install USB drivers

Слайд 32
Xamarin setup
A quick look at the development setup

Слайд 33Xamarin.Android fundamentals

Слайд 34File ? New Project

Слайд 35File ? New Project

Слайд 36Fundamental #1: Activities
Apps are collections of activities
A view == an activity

(for now ☺)
Apps don’t have an “entry point”
No single code line which is called by the OS
Apps start when Android creates one of the classes of the app
App then gets loaded into memory

Слайд 37Fundamental #1: Activities
When opening an application, the OS creates the first

Activity is a specific class
Defines UI and behaviour for a single task
Corresponds to a single app screen
App gets loaded in memory


User launches app

Android loads app
In memory

Слайд 38Fundamental #1: Activities
One activity needs to be the “entry point” for

the app: MainLauncher=True

Слайд 39Fundamental #1: Activities
Often, the first activity is named MainActivity
Is also a

subclass of Activity and has the [Activity] attribute
Makes sure that activity gets registered with the manifest to let Android know that the class is part of the application
Label is the title of the screen
Icon can be used to customize the displayed icon

Слайд 40Activity lifecycle

Слайд 41Activity lifecycle
We can of course override these methods
Create views, initialize variables,

and do other prep work before the user sees the Activity
This method is called only once when the Activity is loaded into memory
Perform any tasks that need to happen every time the Activity returns to the device screen
Perform any tasks that need to happen every time the Activity leaves the device screen

Слайд 42Activity lifecycle in effect

Слайд 43Fundamental #2: Views
The layout of the app is contained in *.axml

AXML: Android designer file / Android XML
First view of the app is named Main.axml
Can be any name really
AXML files live in the Resources/layout folder

Слайд 44The designer for Xamarin.Android views

Слайд 45The designer for Xamarin.Android views

Слайд 46View code

Слайд 47Connecting and accessing controls from code
Linking a view with an activity

is done using SetContentView

Слайд 48Connecting and accessing controls from code
We can name controls using the

ID property
The Android designer maps the control to the Resource class and assigns it a resource ID
The code representation of a control is linked to the visual representation of the control in the designer via the Id property

Слайд 49Connecting and accessing controls from code
Once we have created the controls,

we can access them from code
Field name is used for lookup

Слайд 50Fundamental #3: Application manifest
An Android app contains a manifest file
Contains a

list of all resources, properties… that make up the application
Also contains name, list of permissions… that the application has received





Android Manifest file

Слайд 52DEMO
Creating our first Android application together!

Слайд 53Navigation and lists

Слайд 54Fundamental #4: ListViews and adapters
Used very commonly in Android
Common way to

present lists of rows
Each row is represented using a standard style or customized
Consists out of
ListView: visual part
Adapter: feeds data to ListView

Слайд 55Fundamental #4: ListViews and adapters

Слайд 56Important classes
ArrayAdapter & ArrayAdapter

Слайд 57ListActivity and the built-in ArrayAdapter

[Activity(Label = "Coffees", MainLauncher = true, Icon

= "@drawable/icon")]
public class CoffeeScreenActivity: ListActivity
string[] coffees;

protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
coffees= new string[] { "Coffee 1","Coffee 2", "Coffee 3"};
ListAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(

Слайд 58Implementing your own adapter
In most cases, the ArrayAdapter won’t be enough

need to create our own adapter
Inherits from BaseAdapter
Things we need to implement
To tell the control how many rows are in the data
To return a View for each row, populated with data. This method has a parameter for the ListView to pass in an existing, unused row for re-use
Return a row identifier (typically the row number, although it can be any long value that you like)
this[int] indexer:
To return the data associated with a particular row number

Слайд 59Using row views
Row views need to be re-used
Certainly if we have

a large number of rows
As soon as a row disappears from screen, its view can be re-used
When scrolling, the ListView calls GetView per row to display
An unused row will be passed in via “View convertView” parameter
If null, a new View needs to be created

Слайд 60

public class CoffeeAdapter : BaseAdapter  {         List items;         Activity context;         public CoffeeAdapter(Activity context, List items): base()         {             this.items = items;             this.context = context;         }         public override long GetItemId(int position)         {             return position;         }         public override Coffee this[int position]         {                get              {                  return items[position];              }          }         public override int Count          {             get              {                  return items.Count;              }          }         public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)         {             var item = items[position];             if (convertView == null) {                 convertView = context.LayoutInflater.Inflate (Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleListItem1, null);             }             convertView.FindViewById (Android.Resource.Id.Text1).Text = item.CoffeeName;             return convertView;
} }

Слайд 61Fast scrolling on the ListView
Fast Scrolling helps the user to scroll

through long lists by providing an additional ‘handle’ that acts as a scroll bar to directly access a part of the list
Can be enabled by using

ListView.FastScrollEnabled = true;

Слайд 62Sectioning the ListView
We need to implement on the adapter:
Provides the

complete list of section index titles that could be displayed. This method requires an array of Java Objects so the code needs to create a Java.Lang.Object[] from a .NET collection.
Returns the first row position for a given section index
Returns the section index to be displayed for a given row

Слайд 63Handling row clicks
To handle row clicks, we need to implement OnListItemClick


override void OnListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id)
var t = items[position];
//do something

Слайд 64DEMO
Adding a ListView and an adapter

Слайд 65Customizing the ListView with other row views

Слайд 66Customizing the ListView with other row views

Слайд 67Customizing the ListView with other row views

Слайд 68DEMO
Using the built-in row views

Слайд 69Creating your own row views
Custom row layouts are AXML files in

Are loaded by Id using a custom adapter
View can contain any number of display classes with custom colors, fonts…

Слайд 70Creating your own row view


Слайд 71Using your custom row view
public override View GetView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
    //custom view  var item = items[position];  if (convertView == null) 
{       convertView = context.LayoutInflater.Inflate (Resource.Layout.CoffeeRowView, null);     }             

imageRepository.ImageNameToResourceInt(item.ImageId.ToString())); convertView.FindViewById 
(Resource.Id.CoffeeNameText).Text = item.CoffeeName;     convertView.FindViewById 
(Resource.Id.PriceText).Text = item.Price.ToString();     return convertView; }

Слайд 72DEMO
Adding our own custom row view

Слайд 73Fundamental #5: Intents
An Intent is an abstract concept for some sort

of operation that should be performed in Android
Navigating to another activity
Often, launching an external application (= built-in) with the intent of doing something
Make a phone call
Launch a URI
Map an address
An intent often consist out of
What the intent is
The data needed for the intent
Phone number to call

Слайд 74Intent of making a phone call
ActionCall asks Android for an Activity

to make a phone call

Слайд 75Intent of navigating to another screen
StartActivity can be used to start

another activity
PutExtra() is used to pass data from one activity to the other

var intent = new Intent (); intent.SetClass (this, typeof(CoffeeDetailActivity)); intent.PutExtra ("selectedCoffeeId", t.CoffeeId); StartActivity (intent);

Слайд 76Receiving information from the intent

protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle) {     base.OnCreate (bundle);     SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);     var selectedCoffeeId = Intent.Extras.GetInt ("selectedCoffeeId", 0);     Coffee coffee = DataService.GetCoffeeById (selectedCoffeeId); }

Слайд 77DEMO
Navigating from the List
to the Detail page

Слайд 78Adding Fragments

Слайд 79The need for Fragments
Larger screen: more complex to build UIs that

look good on all screens
Layouts which look good on a small screen may not look good on a large tablet screen
Android V3.0 introduced Fragments
Fragment is a UI module
UI gets divided into reusable parts
Each “part” is an separate activity
At run time, the Activities themselves will decide which Fragments to use
Also work in older versions through Support packages

Слайд 80The need for Fragments

Слайд 81FragmentManager
To help an Activity coordinate and manage all these Fragments, Android

introduced a new class called the FragmentManager
Each activity has an instance of the FragmentManager
Allows finding, adding and removing fragments

Слайд 82Creating a fragment
A Fragment inherits from Android.App.Fragment
Must override the OnCreateView
OnCreateView is

called by the hosting activity when the Fragment is placed on the screen
Returns a View
OnCreateView will create the View (of the fragment) by inflating a layout file and attaching that to the parent container
Will apply the same parameters as the parent container

public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
return inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.CoffeeFragment, container, false);

Слайд 83Adding a fragment to an Activity
We can add the Fragment to

the Activity in 2 ways
Fragments can be used declaratively within .axml layout files by using the tag
Fragments can also be instantiated dynamically by using the FragmentManager class’s API

Слайд 84DEMO
Refactoring to Fragments

Слайд 85Optimizing the application

Слайд 86Managing strings in strings.xml
We can have Android store string values for


    Hello World, Click Me!     AndroidCoffeeStore     Coffee name

Слайд 87Making the app multi-language

Слайд 88Application drawables
We can add drawables: application icons
Adding all resolutions makes sure

the icons look good on all screens
Filenames are the same
Folder name identifies the resolution

Слайд 89Application drawables
We can select an image in the project properties
This now

becomes the icon for the application within Android

Слайд 90DEMO
Adding resources
and drawables to the application

Слайд 91Deploying to the store

Слайд 92Publishing your work
Marketplace is most common option
Often, more than one is

used (Google Play, Amazon, GetJar…)
Email or website is often for a more closed distribution
Also require less work to prepare the application for distribution
Google Play is best known store
Allows users to discover, download, rate, and pay for applications by clicking a single icon either on their device or on their computer
Google Play also provides tools to assist in the analysis of sales and market trends and to control which devices and users may download an application

Слайд 93Summary
Xamarin.Android leverages your C# knowledge to build apps for Android
Concepts of

Android mean a learning curve

Слайд 94Thanks!

Слайд 96Building your first Android app using Xamarin
Gill Cleeren - @gillcleeren

Слайд 97Your feedback is important!
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Слайд 98Building your first Android app using Xamarin
Gill Cleeren

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