Accelerating New Hire Productivity Through Onboarding презентация

Join the conversation on Twitter using #bamboohr Rusty Lindquist VP Strategic HR Insights BambooHR Chris Osborn VP of Marketing BizLibrary

Слайд 2
Join the conversation on Twitter using #bamboohr
Rusty Lindquist VP Strategic HR Insights BambooHR

Osborn VP of Marketing

Слайд 3Accelerating New Hire Productivity Through Onboarding
What onboarding is and isn’t
How onboarding

makes HR impactful
Understanding time to contribution
What’s impeding time to contribution (and how to turn impediments into fuel)
Your acceleration plan

Слайд 4
What onboarding is and isn’t

Слайд 5Onboarding, also known as organizational socialization, refers to the mechanism through which

new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective organizational members and insiders.

Source: Bauer, T.N. and Erdogan, B.
APA Handbook Of Industrial And Organizational Psychology

Слайд 6What Onboarding Isn’t:
A checklist to rush through.

Слайд 7What Onboarding Is:
A tool to create business value.

Слайд 8
Onboarding makes HR impactful
Onboarding helps HR manage the company’s greatest asset:


Слайд 9
Time to Contribution
New Hire Contribution =
Capability + Context + Connections

+ Tools/Training

Organizational Socialization and Insider

Слайд 10Decreasing time to contribution increases HR’s ability to impact:

Слайд 11
Time to Contribution Impediments
Access to systems
Access to hardware
Understanding company culture
Manager involvement

soft impediments

Слайд 12a. Access to systems
Learning resources and content
Off-the-shelf and custom video
Resource delivery

and mobile

Слайд 13b. Access to hardware

Слайд 14c. Training
Here’s how you do…
Processes and applications needed
How and where to

get the information they need
Job aids, process descriptions, flow charts
Resources and training delivery

Слайд 15d. Understanding company culture

Слайд 16e. Manager involvement
Provide context to improve productivity
Acclimation and application of learning

and feedback
Setting expectations and goals

Слайд 17f. Other soft impediments
Fitting in

Слайд 18
Your Acceleration Plan

Слайд 1918 MONTHS
the most vulnerable time for a new hire to leave

8-12 WEEKS
avg. time to productivity for clerical staff

18-22 WEEKS
avg. time to productivity for professional staff

24-28 WEEKS
avg. time to productivity for executives

SOURCE: Strategic Onboarding. Bersin by Deloitte.

Слайд 20Onboarding’s Goal: Reduce Friction and Minimize Delay. How?
Automate what you

can: esignatures, self-onboarding, training

Then you can focus on what really matters to your company: creating business value.

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