A Journey to Englishland презентация

Слайд 1
A Journey to Englishland

Слайд 2

Слайд 3One For All And All For One

Слайд 4Kingdom of Words. Word Scrambles. Перепутанные слова.
s r e b

k a f a t
d e a r
d c i l h e n r
r e w t I
h i k c e n t
n g e b i
k o c o s a b e
h u c l n

Слайд 5
Old, messy, slim, short,
dark, strong, young,
sad, good, fat, new,
weak, clean, tall,

happy, bad.

Найти прилагательные противоположные по значению.

Слайд 6“Buying” Put these things into right place. Fridge


Bread, butter, sugar, coffee, chicken, cheese, chocolate, juice, rice, cornflakes, ham, ice-cream.

Слайд 7Divide into two parts

Слайд 8
have/ classes/ a day/ we/ five.
flowers/ see/ in the garden/

can/ you/ beautiful
family/ in/ cooks/ who/ your?
apples/ Nelly/ never/ eats/

Kingdom of sentences. Segmented sentences. Предложение вразбивку.

Слайд 9

Kingdom of sentences.
Make up a sentence.

Слайд 10Hidden Sentence. Скрытое предложение

Слайд 11Hidden Sentence. Скрытое предложение

Слайд 12Крестики-нолики с наречиями. Tic-Tac-Friquency

Слайд 14

Kingdom of Proverbs.
Винегрет. How many proverbs are hidden here?

a day late what time than you put off keeps can till tomorrow
is never do apple money a doctor never away today

Слайд 15 Kingdom of stories.
It’s a party.
The Barkers are having a _______.

All Sally’s ___________ are here. They are having a ______party. Sally is ____________. Kate and Alice ____ ______. John __ ________ to music. Peter and Jane ____ ___________. They are enjoying the party.


Kate and Alice


Peter and Jane

Слайд 16Рефлексия

Слайд 17Догадайтесь, что означают пословицы
I am as cold as a cucumber.
I could

eat a horse.
She eats like a horse.
He eats like a pig.
He drinks like a fish.

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