Helping Your Team Manage & Track Time 4 tips for better time tracking (without the eye rolls) презентация

Слайд 1Helping Your Team Manage & Track Time
4 tips for better time

tracking (without the eye rolls)

Слайд 2Introduction
If you’re looking to improve time management on your team, time

tracking is the place to start. While this is undoubtedly an unpopular topic among most employees, it is nevertheless essential if you want the ability to consistently meet deadlines, forecast future bandwidth, and effectively allocate resources.
In some ways, it all comes down to your skills as a manager.

Слайд 3Introduction
Initially, your employees won’t be eager to track the hours they

spend on individual tasks. It feels like a distraction from their “real” work. But gaining their cooperation is easier when they can visualize the benefits: better reporting and more respect.
These 4 tips will make this possible…

Слайд 4Establish a shared vision
In Managing High Performance and Retention (2001), Bob

Weyant describes the three kinds of power managers have to influence employee behavior:
Commitment to a shared vision
Personal power
Position power

Слайд 5Bob Weyant
Author, Managing High Performance and Retention
“Effective leaders influence mostly through

shared vision/goal and personal power.”

Слайд 6Establish a shared vision
So how do you get commitment to a

shared vision? You start by actually sharing your vision. Don’t just tell your team what they need to start doing (tracking the hours they spend on individual projects), explain the why as well.

Слайд 7Establish a shared vision
If you don’t explain your true reasons for

asking your team to start logging their hours, they will make up their own reasons:
“She doesn’t trust me.”
“She thinks I’m wasting too much time.”
“She’s a micromanager.”
“She’s looking for reasons to fire me.”

Слайд 8Establish a shared vision
Luckily, there are plenty of really good reasons

to focus on time tracking that everyone can get behind, including to:
Account for ad hoc requests
Balance team members’ workloads
Defend headcount to upper management
Justify saying ‘no’ to requests
Be more realistic about team bandwidth

Слайд 9Establish a shared vision
If you share this list of benefits with

your team, your underperformers may still have cause to worry or complain – after all, they won’t be able to get away with slacking as easily anymore.
But those who are pulling their weight will look at this list with relief. “You mean tracking my hours means job security and less overtime? Sign me up!”

Слайд 102. Choose an intuitive solution
Make sure the solution you choose has

the power to deliver on what you’ve promised. Ideally, it should work intuitively with the processes you already have in place, rather than taking too many additional steps. If your team uses a project management software solution, choose a time-tracking that integrates well with what you have.

Слайд 112. Choose an intuitive solution
But when selecting a time-tracking protocol for

your team, there are a few additional questions to ask, depending on your team’s needs, including:
Does your current PM solution have a time-tracking feature that you’re just not using?
Does it take employees out of the work they’re doing and into a separate system?
If it’s a separate system, does it integrate well with other business tools you use?

Слайд 122. Choose an intuitive solution
Is it clunky and intrusive or smooth

and intuitive?
Is there a desktop widget that can run in the background, so you don’t have to open a web browser or separate application to use it?
Can you as the manager easily view individual and team results?
Can time be logged on a mobile devices as well – or on desktop only?

Слайд 133. Enforce the policy
The only way to gather reliable metrics that

will enable you to justify headcount, address productivity problems, and reapportion workload – among all the other benefits listed in section one above – is for team usage to be consistent and universal.
Hold everyone accountable for using the tool on an ongoing basis.

Слайд 143. Enforce the policy
If usage becomes sporadic or uneven, refer back

to your three influencing options. Start by sharing the vision again, then try using your personal power to improve adoption (often a short reminder conversation will be all you need), and if those don’t work, rely on your position power. This may mean applying rewards and consequences to help motivate team members to comply.

Слайд 154. Allow some untracked hours
There must be a certain amount of

freedom and downtime in order for creativity to flourish. A work culture that’s too rigid will only get in the way of true spontaneity and innovation.
No employee should be expected to account for every single minute of an 8-hour workday. Make it clear that your real goal with time tracking is ti find predictable patterns that show how long each type of task takes to complete., not to make sure each employee is working on billable tasks 100% of the day.

Слайд 164. Allow some untracked hours
Of course, this requires some guidelines as

to what should be tracked or not (Ex: “only 80% of each day needs to be tracked”).
Or you might want to distinguish by task type what will be tracked (Ex: anything assigned by another team member) or what won’t (Ex: checking and responding to email).

Слайд 17Brad Hoover
CEO, Grammarly, Inc.
“Whether or not a team member is billing

by the hour, it is important to understand that time is one of the most valuable (and scarce) resources at any organization. Operating under the assumption that your time is worth money – whether to you or to your client – helps you to prioritize the finite number of hours in your day.”

Слайд 18Take Control of Your Time
Time tracking is one way to keep

team members more mindful of how they’re spending the precious resource of time. But even more importantly, it gives managers the data they need to streamline processes, predict and meet deadlines, make hiring and outsourcing decisions, distribute workload evenly across the team, and ultimately build trust with stakeholders and executives.

Слайд 19Devour Chaos, Drive Creativity
Creativity has a new protector.
Workfront provides just enough

structure to bring order to creative teams’ workflows and give them more time for the real work of creativity.
To learn how Workfront marketing work management can benefit your team, watch the demo today.

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Это сайт презентаций, докладов, проектов, шаблонов в формате PowerPoint. Мы помогаем школьникам, студентам, учителям, преподавателям хранить и обмениваться учебными материалами с другими пользователями.

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