Мастер класс по английскому языку Мир профессий 6 класс Выполнила: Учитель английского языка II категории МОУ Конзаводской СОШ № 2 Драган Ирина Анатольевна. презентация

Слайд 1Мастер класс по английскому языку
«Мир профессий»
6 класс

Выполнила: Учитель английского языка
II категории

Конзаводской СОШ № 2 Драган Ирина Анатольевна.

There ones was a student named Besser,
Whose knowledge grew lesser

and lesser.
And at last grew so small.
He knew nothing at all.
And now he is a college professor.

Слайд 3What are you going to be? Do people like what they do?

Слайд 4Complete the words.

computer man
computer operator



business wife

post officer

police designer
police officer

clothes man
clothes designer

Слайд 5Complete the sentences.
What are they?
a teacher

a doctor works in

a cook

a businessman

a driver

Where do people work?

the hospital
the school

the café
the office

the restaurant
the garage

Слайд 6Complete the sentences.

a doctor

a secretary has to

a model



a milkman

What do they do?

use a computer

treat ill people

show clothes

deliver milk

explain lessons

What are they?

Слайд 7a doctor a painter

Слайд 8a sportsman a pilot

Слайд 9a police officer a cosmonaut

Слайд 10a salesperson a mechanic

Слайд 11a photographer a cook

Слайд 12 a driver

a veterinarian

gedpostmancka rewsecretarytr gerpainterkj

secretary painter
hteacherktil redworkertyl hromodeljd
teacher worker model
writergsel yulibrarianb mdentistp
writer librarian dentist

Слайд 23The conclusion.
1.Would you like to be a doctor?

3.What jobs are exotic

for you?

2.What is your favourite job?

4.How many jobs do you know?
5.Which professions are the most interesting?

Слайд 24
Thank you- good luck to you and goodbye!

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