1st Greek Mobile Barometer – 19 Things that you always wanted to know about mobile usage in Greece but were too afraid to ask. презентация


Tempo OMD introduces Mobile Barometer Greece- Here we have some key findings An annual comprehensive survey for mobile in Greece 1st wave: Introducing the mobile consumer

Слайд 1Kostas Houndas Insight @ Tempo

OMD Hellas

1st Greek Mobile
Barometer – 19 Things that you always wanted to know about mobile usage in Greece but were too afraid to ask.

Athens, 29/4/2014

Слайд 2Tempo OMD introduces Mobile Barometer Greece- Here we have some key


An annual comprehensive survey for mobile in Greece

1st wave: Introducing the mobile consumer

What is it about?
Smartphone usage & attitudes
Apps emergence & development
Mobile shopping
Interaction with TV

Слайд 3
Mobile Internet growth
Smartphone grows rapidly
Internet on the go
The –obvious- mobile opportunity

Focus Web ID & Euromonitor
Base: Total population, Greece

Слайд 4
Smartphones sales volume exceeded that of feature phones in 2013, while

in 2016 mobile will be a smart choice only

Forecast sales of mobile phones: Volume 2011-2016 (Thousands)

Слайд 5The goal of this research is to bring new learning to

the industry and bring up growth of MOBILE channel advertising by studying smartphone/tablet personal experiences driving demand & desire

Mobile Barometer Greece reveals the facts, trends and expectations of the mobile market in Greece

Слайд 6Survey Basics:
We conducted a large scale online & mobile survey in

3.500 Greek consumers

Men & Women 18-54 y.o. all over Greece

1.700 respondents via online panel (with 2 external partners)
Online interviews via Snapshots, OMD’s exclusive research platform
1.000 respondents via Mobile survey (Pollfish)
800 respondents via web invitations, Facebook & GDN

Слайд 71. Electronic devices penetration is impressive …. Despite the recession


Feature phone


Base: 18-54, Internet Users

Слайд 82. Surprise: Smartphones and Tablets are not the same audience
Men 60%


35-54 y.o.
Mainly married

Mean annual income: € 28.000 (+55% above average)

Men 55%
Women 45%

18-44 y.o.
Mainly singles

Mean annual income: € 23.000
(+28% above average)

51% penetration

10% penetration

Слайд 93. Internet Usage? How do they go online?
Base: Smartphone/Tablet Users

Слайд 104. Where do they use their smartphones and tablets?
74% at home

the go (out of home) 65%

Base: Smartphone/Tablet Users

Слайд 115. Which Screen? Mobile Internet usage is higher than TV for

the day, remaining high during TV’s prime time

Base: Smartphone/Tablet users

Слайд 12We identified Four main areas of use

6. Let me Entertain YOU. What are the top Activities.


Smartphone/Tablet users

Слайд 147. I need to know. What exactly? Most users get the

following info via mobile

Base: Smartphone/Tablet users

Слайд 158. Isn’t that Useful? Main activities/ utilities via mobile.

Base: Smartphone/Tablet users

Слайд 169. Ka-Ching. They Shop. What are they buying(last 6 months)

Base: Smartphone/Tablet


Слайд 1710. No Surprises. The most favorite things to do with your

smartphone are:





Other favorites ….

Base: Smartphone/Tablet users

Слайд 18
11. And the most favorite apps Greeks users have…
Base: Smartphone/Tablet users

Слайд 1912. Categories of Games they love…
Base: Smartphone/Tablet users

Слайд 2013. “Is the Price Right?”
40% will use their mobile devices

to take advice before they decide to buy a product or service


Will use most of the times their mobile as an advisor before they decide to buy a product or service


Will use some times their mobile as an advisor before they decide to buy a product or service

Base: Smartphone/Tablet Users

Слайд 2114. Mobile shopping is on the rise.
41% say they have

purchased a product/service via mobile

Via any device

Via Mobile

Mean spending:
444€ (last 6 months)

Mean spending:
138€ (last 6 months)

Base: Smartphone/Tablet Users

Слайд 22It’s a fact of life for television

Слайд 2340%
15. They Multiscreen. What are they

doing though while Multi-screening?

Base: Smartphone/Tablet Users

Слайд 24Complementing or distracting experience?

Слайд 25New approaches for broadcasters
Opportunity to build loyalty and drive ratings growth

Слайд 26
Positive implications for advertisers

Слайд 27High-End are the older ones with the 2nd highest income…

while Own Pacers are younger with the highest income.

Practical & Followers are relatively the younger ones with the lowest income levels.

16. “Who are you again?” Is it Linear Demographics or not?

Слайд 28Practical appear to be a premium group when it comes to

food delivery & planning travel trips, like High Ends

17. Captain Obvious: The Practical lot like to order and plan trips through their smartphones.

Слайд 29Practical & Followers are more into groceries mobile shopping, while High-End

& Own-Pacers into e-ticketing

18. Own-Pacers love the tickets.

Слайд 30Practical appear to be more engaged with talent shows, while Followers

with TV series.

19. Various shows engage with different people. Just like in real life. Wow.

Слайд 31Questions?

Kostas Houndas

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