Gamedonia culture code: “We care for your games” презентация

Our vision… Cohesion, to contribute with the development of successful games is our work. We put the strength in the links we have been creating between different skills

Слайд 1#Wecareforyourgames
Gamedonia culture code:
“We care for your games”

Слайд 2Our vision…

Cohesion, to contribute with the development of successful games is

our work.

We put the strength in the links we have been creating between different skills at our team, working as a flexible and dynamic whole.


Слайд 3We believe in…

Create value for our developers, our partners & our



Слайд 4We have realized that developers must help developers to achieve the

best quality games”

David Xicota, CEO and Founder, Gamedonia


Слайд 5It was important for us to have an in-game chat, and

allowing our users to be able to share scores and achievements in Game Center using their Facebook user login.” 

Fernando Vaquero, DiverTap


Слайд 6In a few hours, with Gamedonia’s tools and technical support, the

Cross-Platform PvP module and the users data management was possible.”

Christian Gascons, Frozen Shard.


Слайд 7Our Core Values
What we live by





Partnerships, not clients
Giving your game

a chance to succeed

The Best User Experience


From gamers to gamers


Слайд 8We are by your side

There’s nothing that you do that can’t

be done, nothing that you say that can’t be said, nothing is unique but create a game.

It’s easy. All you need is a hand...


Слайд 9Start today!

Слайд 10

Find out more

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