Destroy PowerPoint Zombies! by @EricPesik Have you ever felt trapped in a bad PowerPoint presentation? Ever listen to a speaker drone on like a zombie? Do boring uninspiring slides leave you feeling like the walking dead? Don’t be a PowerPoint zombie! He презентация

Have you ever felt trapped in a bad PowerPoint presentation?

Слайд 1Destroy PowerPoint Zombies! by @EricPesik
Have you ever felt trapped in

a bad PowerPoint presentation? Ever listen to a speaker drone on like a zombie? Do boring uninspiring slides leave you feeling like the walking dead? Don’t be a PowerPoint zombie! Here are 6 tips to avoid Death by PowerPoint!

Слайд 2Have you ever felt trapped in a bad PowerPoint presentation?

Слайд 3What makes PowerPoint so unpleasant?

Слайд 4Audience Complaints: (1) reading the slide, (2) text too small, (3)

too many words, (4) overly complex diagrams, (5) poor color choice, (6) no clear purpose, (7) no flow of ideas; Data source:

Слайд 5The experience is so common there is a word for it

“Death by Powerpoint”

Слайд 6Are you a PowerPoint Zombie?

Слайд 7Braaains!

Слайд 8Are you a PowerPoint Zombie? (1) unclear purpose, (2) mind numbing

wall of text and bullets, (3) ugly design, (4) unintelligible charts and graphs, (5) boring clipart and stock photos, (6) mindless rambling

Слайд 9Are you a PowerPoint Zombie? (1) unclear purpose, (2) mind numbing

wall of text and bullets, (3) ugly design, (4) unintelligible charts and graphs, (5) boring clipart and stock photos, (6) mindless rambling

Слайд 10Don’t be a PowerPoint zombie!

Слайд 116 tips to cure bad PowerPoint

Слайд 12Zombie PowerPoint Symptom #1: Unclear purpose

Слайд 13The Disease: Zombies have no purpose

Слайд 14The Cure: Know your purpose - your presentation should have a

clear flow and purpose

Слайд 15Your purpose is not what you want to say

Слайд 16Focus on your audience: (1) what do the want to hear?

(2) what do they need to hear? (3) what is entertaining

Слайд 17What is your one key takeaway point? Prepare you call to


Слайд 18Audiences really want you to craft a clear message that has

a flow and purpose. - Dave Paradi,

Слайд 19If you can’t clearly state what you want to accomplish, you

are not ready. Postpone or cancel

Слайд 20Once you know your purpose and key points, start planning in


Слайд 21Turn off the computer. Don’t plan in PowerPoint

Слайд 22Working in analog helps keep you focused and on point

Слайд 23Why are audiences bored? Because they don’t understand the message and

feel they are wasting their time. - Dave Paradi,

Слайд 24Anti-Zombie Tip No. 1 : Your presentation should have a clear

flow and purpose

Слайд 25Zombie PowerPoint Symptom #2: Mind numbing wall of text and bullets

Слайд 26The Disease: Zombies vomit text and bullet points

Слайд 27Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 28Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 29Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 30The Cure: B.L.U.F. - Bottom Line Up Front

Слайд 31Place communications and recommendations at the beginning of each slide

Слайд 32Then delete everything else on the slide

Слайд 33Example: Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla,

bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, . . . therefore, we should vaccinate against zombies

Слайд 34Don’t do this

Слайд 35Bottom line up front

Слайд 36Vaccinate or Die!

Слайд 371 BLUF per slide - 1 short line summarizing each conclusion

or recommendations

Слайд 38Think of you slides as a series of billboards

Слайд 39One message per sign

Слайд 40Make it big enough to be read from the back of

the room

Слайд 41Save the wordy details for your spoken delivery

Слайд 42Or put it in backup slides

Слайд 43If you ever hear yourself say, “I know you can’t read

this,” just turn off the projector. - Dave Paradi,

Слайд 44Anti-Zombie Tip No. 2: BLUF Bottom Line Up Front

Слайд 45Zombie PowerPoint Symptom No. 3: Ugly Design

Слайд 46The Disease: Zombies don’t care about design

Слайд 47The Cure: Blend text and images to illustrate your point -

put creative thought into your design

Слайд 48Look at other presentations for inspiration: Source:

Слайд 49Use “blank” page layout to create your own pages

Слайд 50Use text creatively

Слайд 5195% of design is typography. Source:

Слайд 52This is Calibri; This is Times Roman; This is Arial; This

is Comic Sans

Слайд 53This is Face Your Fears; This is Troika; This is Berlin


Слайд 54This is also Troika

Слайд 55This is also Troika

Слайд 56This is also Face Your Fears

Слайд 57Typical typeface, but color and size variation adds interest. From Asia’s

Increased Competitive Landscape - HR Implications on Talent Attraction and Retention

Слайд 58More typical typefaces with color and weight variation. From Effective Internal

Controls by @EricPesik

Слайд 59Multiple typefaces. From Fighting Global Corruption by @EricPesik

Слайд 60Multiple typefaces. From J.P. Morgan and the Princelings of China by


Слайд 61Unusual typefaces plus variation. From this presentation Zombie Powerpoint

Слайд 62But don’t over-do it with too much variation. Stick to 2-3

fonts and colors

Слайд 63According to Microsoft... at least 30 million PowerPoint presentations are made

each day. Source: Alexei Kapterev, Death by PowerPoint

Слайд 64Most use the same default templates, fonts, and colors

Слайд 65Anti Zombie Tip No. 3: Use textual variation to enhance your


Слайд 66Zombie PowerPoint Symptom #3: Unintelligible charts and graphs

Слайд 67The Disease: Zombies can’t communicate data

Слайд 68Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 69Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 70Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 71The Cure: It’s not the numbers - it’s what the numbers

mean - your data should support your message

Слайд 72Use data to support your message. (1) Actual slide from a

presentation, (2) The real message of all those numbers. Source:

Слайд 73Don’t read the numbers on the slide. Explain why the numbers

are important. - Dave Paradi,

Слайд 74Case Study No. 1

Слайд 75How often is executive management involved in bribery?

Слайд 76Raw data from

Слайд 77Typical default chart

Слайд 78Re-colored to emphasize relevant data

Слайд 79Do the math for the audience

Слайд 80Info-Graphic Style

Слайд 81Case Study No. 2

Слайд 82Is internet usage associated with bribery?

Слайд 83Raw data from

Слайд 84Typical default chart

Слайд 85Simplify

Слайд 86Remove unnecessary elements

Слайд 87Remove unnecessary elements

Слайд 88Make it bigger

Слайд 89Make it bolder

Слайд 90I prefer sorting large to small

Слайд 91Use color to emphasize relevant data

Слайд 92Do the math for the audience

Слайд 93Don’t tell the audience. Show the audience

Слайд 94PowerPoint slides crammed with data in tiny, unreadable font... The result?

Slides from Hell. - Prof. Stanley Ridgley, Drexel University, LeBow College of Business

Слайд 95Anti Zombie Tip No. 4: It’s not the numbers. It’s what

the numbers mean

Слайд 96Zombie PowerPoint Symptom No. 5: Boring clipart and stock photos

Слайд 97The Disease: Zombies don’t appreciate images

Слайд 98Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 99Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 100Bad PowerPoint slide example

Слайд 101Braaains!

Слайд 102The Cure: Look for unusual images from alternative sources - use

images that support your message

Слайд 103

Слайд 104

Слайд 105

Слайд 106

Слайд 107

Слайд 108Fill your full screen with action!

Слайд 109...or leave blank space for drama

Слайд 110If you feel tempted to use a picture of two hands

shaking in front of a globe, put the pencil down, step away from the desk, and think about taking a vacation... - Nancy Duarte, Source: Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery

Слайд 111Anti Zombie Tip No. 5: Look for unusual images from alternative


Слайд 112Zombie PowerPoint Symptom No. 6: Mindless Rambling

Слайд 113Braaains!

Слайд 114The Disease: Zombies don’t plan or rehearse

Слайд 115The Cure: Plan and rehearse your presentation - audiences expect better

delivery skills

Слайд 116Good presentations take time to prepare

Слайд 11786% of top executives say that communicating with clarity directly impacts

their career and income. Yet only 25% spend more than 2 hours on ‘high-stakes’ presentations. - Jim Endicott, President of Distinction Communication, Inc. Source:

Слайд 11855% of presenters spend little or no time practicing the delivery.

- Jim Endicott, President of Distinction Communication, Inc. Source:

Слайд 119Braaains!

Слайд 120The number one annoyance has not changed... The speaker read the

slides to us. - Dave Paradi,

Слайд 121Presentations are becoming more popular, but they aren’t getting much better

Слайд 122Be prepared

Слайд 123Edit your slides

Слайд 124Practice your speaking skills

Слайд 125Watch

Слайд 126Send us people who can stand up and make a real

presentation. We are tired of PowerPoint junkies... they need to also make great old fashioned presentations. - Prof. Farrokh Langdana, Rutgers Business School

Слайд 127Anti Zombie Tip No. 6: Plan and rehearse your presentation

Слайд 128Audiences deserve better

Слайд 129Audiences expect better

Слайд 130Escape the zombie horde!

Слайд 131Don’t be a PowerPoint zombie!

Слайд 133Anti-Zombie Tip No. 1 : Your presentation should have a clear

flow and purpose

Слайд 134Anti-Zombie Tip No. 2: BLUF Bottom Line Up Front

Слайд 135Anti Zombie Tip No. 3: Use textual variation to enhance your


Слайд 136Anti Zombie Tip No. 4: It’s not the numbers. It’s what

the numbers mean

Слайд 137Anti Zombie Tip No. 5: Look for unusual images from alternative


Слайд 138Anti Zombie Tip No. 6: Plan and rehearse your presentation

Слайд 139Don’t be a PowerPoint zombie!

Слайд 140If you like, please share

Слайд 141About the Author:
Eric Pesik is the Associate General Counsel and

Compliance Officer for Seagate Singapore International Headquarters Pte Ltd. He is also a former Adjunct Assistant Professor with the University at Buffalo School of Management, State University of New York, where he taught International Business Law, Politics, & Ethics in their international Executive MBA program at the SIM campus in Singapore.
He has been a lawyer since 1997 and is admitted to the State Bar in California, the US Court of International Trade in New York, and the US Supreme Court in Washington, DC. He is a sought-after speaker on legal and compliance issues. You can find many of his recent presentations on
This work represents the opinions of the author alone, and is not the opinion his employer or clients.

Слайд 142Source Acknowledgments:
Each slide contains source attributions and URL. The images have

been modified to match the size, fit, and color of each slide. Before reusing any images, you must obtain the original images from the original sources, and you must comply with any applicable license restrictions imposed by the original source.
Creative Commons Attribution License:
You are free to share, copy, distribute, and transmit this work; to remix or adapt this work; and to make commercial use of this work, under the condition that you must attribute this work to me (but not in any way that suggests that I endorse you or your use of this work).

Слайд 143Congratulations ericpesik! Your presentation is the Top Presentation of the Day

on SlideShare. Kudos from our editorial team for your effort. Your presentation was chosen from thousands uploaded to SlideShare every day from around the world.

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