Hire For Personality Or Attitude? презентация

www.bretlsimmons.com http://www.slideshare.net/BretLSimmons

Слайд 1Bret L. Simmons, Ph.D.
ATDSN, December 3, 2014
Hire For Personality
Or Attitude?

Слайд 2www.bretlsimmons.com


Слайд 4Why do you care?

Слайд 6Job Performance
Task behaviors
Extra-role behaviors
Withdrawal behaviors

Слайд 9Personality? Attitude?

Слайд 10

A set of relatively stable characteristics that lead to consistent patterns

of behavior
As a manager, how can you know or assess an individual’s personality?

Слайд 11Attitude
A predisposition or tendency to respond positively or negatively toward a

certain situation, person, or idea. Influences an individual’s choice of action, and responses to the work environment (e.g. challenges, incentives, supervision, etc.)

Слайд 12Hire For Personality
Or Attitude?

Слайд 13Personality or

Which is a better predictor of job performance?

Слайд 14Attitudes!

Слайд 15Job Attitudes
Organizational commitment
Job satisfaction
Trust in the supervisor
Justice (fairness)

Слайд 16Organizational
Affected by
Job Satisfaction
I want to be here doing this work

with you

Слайд 17Pay
Opportunity for promotion
Work itself

Слайд 18Willingness to be vulnerable to another in a situation involving risk

Слайд 19Are You Trustworthy?

Слайд 20Master, then continuously improve your job
Care about the people you work

with, work for, and serve


Слайд 21Procedural Justice

Слайд 22Engagement:
Investing the head, hands, and heart in full work performance

Слайд 23Engagement
Value Congruence: expect people to behave at work consistent with the

highest values they espouse in themselves and others
Psychological safety: trusting interpersonal relationships in fair and supportive organizational environments
Core self-evaluation (personality trait): self-esteem, self-efficacy, emotional stability, locus of control

Слайд 24Cause
(e.g. value congruence)

(e.g. engagement)

(e.g. performance)

Слайд 25Gallup Q-12 Engagement – cause or effect?
I know what is expected

of me at work.
I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right.
At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best everyday.
In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work.
My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.
There is someone at work who encourages my development.

At work, my opinions seem to count.
The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important
My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work.
I have a best friend at work.
In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress.
This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.

Слайд 27Hire for Personality
Internal locus of control
Healthy self-esteem

Слайд 28Summary
Be clear and specific about the behaviors you want to see

at work
Hire for personality
Develop the job attitudes that lead to performance by partnering with your employees to continually improve the work environment

Слайд 29Questions?

Слайд 30Bret L. Simmons, Ph.D.
(775) 336-9576

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