London through questions презентация

When was London founded? a ) after the year 400 b) after the Great Fire

Слайд 1



Слайд 2When was London founded?

a ) after

the year 400

b) after the Great Fire

c) in the first century

Слайд 3 London's history began from …

a) Westminster

b) Westminster Abbey

c) the City

Слайд 4 Who governs the City?
a)the Great London Council

b)Lord Mayor

c) the monarch

Слайд 5 Who was William

the Conqueror ?

a) the first king of England

b) the founder of London

c) a great architect

Слайд 6 What happened in London

in 1666?

a) a terrible plague

b) a great fire

c) a terrible war

Слайд 7 What did

William the Conqueror build?

a) the British Museum

b) St.Paul’s Cathedral

c) the Tower

Слайд 8 What is the official royal residence?
a) Windsor Castle

b) Buckingham Palace

c) Albert Hall

Слайд 9 Buckingham Palace

Слайд 10 Which museum is the largest and the richest in the

UK ?

a) the National Gallery

b) the British Museum

c) the Tate Gallery

Слайд 11 The British Museum

Слайд 12 When was the British

Museum built?

a) in the eleventh century

b) in 1753

c) after the Great Fire

Слайд 13 Which library in London is

the biggest one?

a) the National Library

b) the Queen’s Library

c)the British Museum Library

Слайд 14Which is aristocrat part of London?

a) the City

b) the West End

c) the East End

Слайд 15 The City is the money of London, the West

End is the goods of London, what is the East End?

a) the squares of London

b) the hands of London

c) the theatres of London

Слайд 16What is the Tower of London?
a) the most ancient building

b) the biggest tower

c) a great church

Слайд 17 The Tower

Слайд 18Who built St.Paul's Cathedral?
a)Sir Christopher Wren
b)William the Conqueror
c) Queen Victoria

Слайд 19 What do you know about the Palace of Westminster?

a) it’s a residence of the Queen

b) it’s a famous museum

c) it’s the Houses of Parliament

Слайд 20 the Houses of Parliament

Слайд 21What is Downing Street famous for ?
a) it’s the longest street


The British Prime Minister
lives here
c) it’s a famous shopping centre

Слайд 22 Downing Street, 10

Слайд 23 Royal Parks are owned by...

the people

b) the city council

c) the Royal Family

Слайд 24 Hyde Park is famous for …
a) London Zoo

b) Speaker’s


c)Shakespeare’s monument

Слайд 25 Speaker's Corner in

Hyde Park

Слайд 26 Where is the Ceremony of the Keys held?
a) in

the Tower of London

b) in Trafalgar Square

c) in Buckingham Palace

Слайд 27 Wembley Stadium was designed as a permanent home for….

amateur football players

b) an Olympic-size swimming
c) the Football Cup Final

Слайд 28 Wembley Stadium

Слайд 29 What sort of performances are Promenade Concerts at

the Albert Hall?

a)concerts of symphony
b) jazz festival

c) ballets

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